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Longitude 43.950718 – Latitude 80.077586

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Directions to Orangeville Fairgrounds

From the East:

  1. Hwy #400 to Hwy #9
  2. Hwy # 9 to Airport Road
  3. North on Airport Road to Five Sideroad (approx 1mi)
  4. West to #247090 Five Sideroad (approx 5mi)


From the North:

  1. Hwy #10 south to Hockley Road
  2. East on Hockley Road (approx ½ mi)
  3. Merge right onto Five Sideroad to # 247090


From the South:

  1. Hwy #401 / Hwy #407 to Hwy #410
  2. North on Hwy #10 to Hockley Road (north of Orangeville)
  3. East on Hockley Road (approx ½ mi)
  4. Merge right onto Five Sideroad to #247090


From the West:

  1. Cty Road #109 to Veteran’s Way (Cty Rd #16)
  2. North on Veteran’s Way to Five Sideroad
  3. East on Five Sideroad (approx 2mi)
  4. Cross Hwy #10 onto Hockley Rd
  5. Hockley Road to right merge with Five Sideroad to #247090


All these roads have the f/g’s listed on either large blue Ontario tourist boards or, on the smaller blue directional signs i.e. Airport Rd just before Five Sideroad and also, on Veteran’s Way.