'Voyager solutions for small organizations'
Voyager Solutions

Protomentat's primary goal is to consult with individuals, small businesses and organizations who need some help getting their technology to work for them. We don't provide tech-support: we're not the ones to call to fix a problem you're having with your internet connection or your Excel speadsheet. You would call us if you want to know how to best to set up your internal network or if MS Office is really the best tool for you to be using. If you find yourself saying 'there has got to be a better way of doing this', those are the problems we solve. We call that providing 'Voyager Solutions'.

You've heard of 'enterprise solutions'? Usually that means big custom software packages designed for monolithic organizations. We believe that small organizations should be able to take advantage of the efficiency enterprise solutions offer, but without the monolithic cost. In coming up with an appropriate term to convey this idea, we ended up drawing an analogy between the USS Enterprise and the USS Voyager from Star Trek (you caught us... we're geeks!).

Suffice to say, a 'voyager solution' is like an 'enterprise solution' without the unlimited pocket book. That might mean teaching you a better way to do something you already do; it may mean pointing you to some open source / cheap software you didn't know about; or it might mean writing a small utility to fascillitate how you use MS Office. It means putting together a tailored process with the right tools to get you using technology so that it lets you work more not less efficiently.