First Entry - What is Svbtle?

Welcome to my Svbtle? I guess? This blogging platform is super strange, so I thought that I would give it a try.

I’ve never really been much into blogging. Not knowing what to talk about, between web design, development, video games, movies, tv, art, dinosaurs, goings ons in the world, it’s been hard to really focus that into a meaningful blog.

So this is my attempt at posting… stuff? I guess. We’ll see how it goes! Here’s a picture of the greatest man alive: jeff-goldblum.jpg


Now read this

Things That Go With Web Development: (But Not Really) - jQuery Waypoints & K. Flay

This topic is the first idea I’ve had for this blog. The idea is that I’ll post something development related; something cool that I’ve come across, a helpful fix to a common problem, a website that interests me, something like that, and... Continue →