Q. What are the benefits of using a qualified accountant, instead of a tax preparer, to do my income taxes?

A. A qualified accountant generally has a good understanding of  the Income Tax Act, keeps up to date on changes and has ongoing dealings with the CRA, therefore he/she can make practical suggestions on the best ways to minimize income taxes.

Q. Why should I hire a trained bookkeeper if myself or my wife can do the job?

A. With a trained bookkeeper, we find that clients spend less time and money on year-ends, and in the event of a government tax or GST audit, they are much better prepared. We also find that the bookkeeping cost is more than offset when clients apply their time and energy to doing what they do best and increasing the overall revenue.

Q. Will you accept a shoebox full of receipts and bills, or do I have to be really organized before I come to see you?

A. We help our new clients by providing them with checklists for the preparation and organization of documentation and receipts. As our fee is based on the amount of time spent on each file, we try to help our clients become as efficient and organized as possible. 

Q. If I decide to use a trained bookkeeper, how can I keep my costs down?

A.  Our goal is to help our clients become as efficient and productive as quickly as possible, in order to help increase their bottom-line. We gain by developing a long-term relationship of trust with clients, who tend to stick with us and use all of the services that we provide.



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