Tips About Promotions

The following are notices and tips on how to obtain the promotions online or by phone through authorized retailers. Also how to find out the latest news directly from your store.

Note About Online Authorized Retailers and Promotions

Received this from an authorized online retailer, in the USA:

As an authorized online retailer of Pandora Jewelry, we are not allowed to offer specials or discounts on the Pandora Jewelry unless the manufacturer has a special offer open to all online retailers at that time.  Retail stores are occasionally allowed to offer a special Gift with purchase, however, this is only offered through retail stores.


Some stores, that also sell online, will allow phone orders for the promotion, and will ship. Pandora Mall of America and Pandora Saint Louis, are just two places, that will do this. (Note: they only ship within the USA).

Gift with Purchase and Events vary by country, dates, and type of store. Please double-check with your store or authorized retailer. Not all stores/retailers do all promotions. All concept stores in USA do all the promotions though. Some stores may also ship the promotions, however that is up to each store. Some stores will also put your items and the promotion aside for you.

Since Canada and the USA are a part of the North America Pandora office, both countries receive the same promotions or gift with purchases. However both countries offer dates are usually about a week or so a part. Canada’s minimum purchase requirement is usually higher than the USA.

Also see if your retailer keeps an email or call list so you can get the latest news directly from your store.