Wedding Party


Today, many brides and grooms are breaking convention with everything from dress style to marriage location and type of wedding ceremony. Convention also states that there be a single female chosen for the position of maid of honour. Well, I have four maids of honour. (Take that convention) Two of whom are married, so I suppose I should say matrons of honour. These ladies all deserve the title because they all represent me in one way or another. As none of us are one dimensional, neither are the people who fill the needs in our lives. These relationships have been tested, cherished and grown over the last few years. I know these ladies would represent me, love me and love my family. I feel honoured to have them all standing by me.

Jessica Gilray

Jessie, my longest friend, whom I've known since grade four, will be acting as my witness. We have an unspoken understanding of each other that comes from more than just time. Months may pass without seeing each other but she is most forgiving of me and our friendship. She's the warm feeling of home and my childhood all wrapped into one. I believe our paths will always be connected and that kind of assurance is almost impossible to find.

Victoria Knodel

My baby sister. She is my beauty queen, my best friend, my cold hard truth and my secret weapon. Without her, I would not be the person I am today. We have grown together from a tie formed through sisterhood, but bonded in ways that is stronger than anyone can see or ever know. She and I fill the holes we are as people, and understand that we are perfect harmony of love, support, brutal honesty and a sisterly connection that stems deeper than friendship. With her I feel my strongest and most secure.

Sarah Cunningham

Sarah, a friend since grade nine. We bonded over our love of wine, food and cheesy movies. She is a friend I can share my guilty pleasures with, and someone I have trusted for years. I knew she was a staple in my life when she told me she would wake up and think about me. I recently stood by and supported her at her wedding to Jeff and now I'm ecstatic to know that she will be standing by and supporting me.

Laura Aqui

My soon to be sister. Laura Aqui, married to Joey's oldest brother Kristofer. She represents my future. She is where all my hopes and dreams will come from. Together we will be building a strong and fruitful life as sisters and maybe one day, as aunts. I know she will be someone whom I will seek support from for many years to come. I foresee years of laughter, adventures and a friendship stronger than either of us have yet to understand.

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I am honoured to have these men as a part of my life. Each one of these guys means so much to me. They have helped guide me into the person I am today. My groomsmen are all family to me.

Steve Fernandes

Steve has been my best friend since high school. He is the kind of friend that is there for you and always has your back in any situation; you know, text-book best friend material. Steve has an amazing perspective on life, philosophy, comic book heroes, chess, you name it, he thinks outside of the box. Steve is a good guy with great values and comes from a wonderful family.

Kris Ryken

Not only is Kristofer an awesome brother he's the friend I've had the longest. It was always nice to grow up with an older brother that wouldn't want to start a fight with me. Perhaps it was because he always knew I would win. Growing up, Kristofer was always an entertaining brother, dabbling with new and interesting hobbies from making slime and catching frogs to riding a unicycle and playing guitar (at the same time).

Erik Ryken

An exceptionally inspiring person, my younger brother Erik is one of those rare people that is amazingly talented at whatever he focuses his energy on. Always eager to learn and memorize from a young age, Erik was a sheer genius with true potential. A true friend with no enemies, Erik is a quiet, calm, peacemaker that always has an interesting conversation that you'll definitely want to be a part of.

Steven Le Trung

Aeleena's cousin Steven has had a strong influence in her life from a young age. While in her teens she began to look up to him as a big brother. Before I met Steven, Aeleena told me how important he was to her. He is a great guy with an awesome sense of humour. Steven is a new part of my family that I know that I can count on.