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Selling is a process and no matter what the good or service being sold, many of the steps involved are the same. The steps including identifying
what is being sold
where the item is
who the buyers are
why someone will buy
when will the sale be completed
and of course the really difficult one,
how much is it worth and how much will the buyer pay.

Selling is also a skill and there are those who have the skill and there are those who don’t. The professionals at RE/MAX Progroup Realty have the skills, the expertise and the track record. Consistently among the top selling Realtors in the B.C. Lower Mainland, they can guide you through all the steps, all the regulations and legal requirements to sell your property. And to make sure that the price you get for that property is reflective of its true worth and the local market conditions.

Below are some links to pages with information to help you through the selling of your property.
Mel Reeves ~ Broker/Owner

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