The World According to Rena

My World, My Words

Jurassic Park In My Bathroom


We have a bit of a silverfish problem in our bathroom. We’re not overrun but we find enough of those disgusting creatures on a regular basis to prompt us to give the washroom the occasional Raid bath.

But here’s the creepy thing: our silverfish are mutants somewhat. They don’t look like the normal silverfish that I used to spot in my old apartment. These ones are bigger, more robust, and they have weird forked tails. If I had to make an uneducated, scientific guess, I would say it looks like the silverfish have inter-populated with earwigs (another insect that repulses me) to create a super breed of creepy-crawlies. Yes, life finds a way to get stronger and ensure survival.

And what have we nicknamed this new species, you might ask? Well, “earfish “of course.


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