1. For Internet Explorer 7, you will get this message:

Click on “Continue to this website (not recommended).”

There is NOTHING to worry about; this message just indicates that I have not paid for someone to verify the certificate (which can cost $100+/year)


2. Login – using your email account user name and password.

NOTE: Select “Remember login permanently?” ONLY if you have a secure desktop/laptop, otherwise you risk making it very easy for people to get into your account and change your password, look at email, redirect email, etc!

3. Setup Procmail



3.2. Now click on “Setup Procmail For SpamAssassin” (this will only show if you have not used this feature yet)

Feature Options (for mail the system thinks is spam):


Throw away

Delete mail – you will lose it and any the system thinks is spam but may not be (spam detecting is far from perfect).

Deliver normally

Put into your INBOX as normal, however, the subject will be modified to indicate the message as spam

Redirect to Mail File

Should you want to keep spam from your inbox, select this option and set it as above.  You can then come to this site and view your spam from time to time and see how the system is doing filtering spam.




Click “Setup Procmail for SpamAssassin” to complete this stage.


4. Other Settings

4.1 White/Black Lists - Now you should see this page: to add people to a white or black list, click on “Allowed and Denied Addresses”

4.2 Score/Classification -  If you wish to modify the “Score” that mail needs to reach before being classified as mail, select “Spam Classification”

The default is “5” … in my experience 3.5 works really well, but will catch some non-spam (get false positives) from time to time.  I have never seen non-spam receive a score of 8 or above, and very very rarely above a 5.  So if you wish to keep definite spam out of your Inbox, I suggest setting this to 5 or 8, and having the spam redirected to a “Mail File” as in section 3.2.  Lookup “SpamAssassin” for further information on the remaining options.



-          If you use this system to send mail (either via the “Read Mail” option or "Read mails (Squirrelmail)" ) ensure that you setup your account settings so that the correct email address is displayed to your recipients.