Stress relief toys

This will be a page about toys to relieve stress at home or in a workplace. Things like office toys, fun slinkys, hoberman spheres, tangles and squeeze toys. Also cute stuff to make your work space feel more comfortable (motion toys and funny office supplies).

Squeeze toys

Squeezable stress relief toys. Funny and relaxing, you can read and see more about this kind of toys in stress balls page. Below are some of the funniest examples of toys, which can be purchased in Amazon store. Could also be a great gift  to almost anyone or just that one little thing on your work desk, which could attract compliments on how funny or cute it is.

Stress relieving massagers

Increase  blood circulation of your scalp or muscles, relax your body and mind, helps reduce stress and improves health.

Stress relief puzzles and toys

Various fidget toys to enhance your tactile perception, tangle creations, which can improve your creativity while offering relax therapy at the same time, shapeshifter puzzles and magic loops. Improve mentally, while relaxing after or during a hard day.

Has any toy helped you to relieve stress?

3 responses

  1. Jeffrey Cantwell
    Posted November 19, 2012 at 4:58 pm | Permalink

    Thanks for the toys they really helped me :).

  2. Derek
    Posted August 3, 2013 at 1:33 am | Permalink

    Thanks, they helped a ton.

  3. Passenger
    Posted October 29, 2016 at 6:49 pm | Permalink

    Would love to see more of these toys! Great for gifts to my stressed out co-workers.
