Food cravings


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Rascal P Coaltrain


Boxcat Eenie




On Boxing Day 2005, we purchased a new digital camera, a Canon Exilim Z120. 


It wasn’t quite the model Andrew had wanted to get but, after walking around the store with it in his hands and comparing this model to the one he had wanted, he decided to stick with it.  One of the major pluses was that this model did not need Canon’s specialized battery.  Instead, you can use regular AA or ni-cad or lithium batteries.


Another big plus is the Best Shot feature, which we figured at breakfast at IHOP after the purchase.  It comes pre-set for various situations – portrait, backlight, scenery, flowers, pets, and more.  But, our favourite setting is …. food! 


So here are some of the photos we (meaning mostly Andrew) have taken of various places we’ve gone to eat at.


Feb.9, 2007

Fish on Rice (coming soon)

Burnaby BC

Jan.30, 2007

Aqua Riva

Vancouver BC

Jan.13, 2007

Fish on Rice

Burnaby BC


(give me some time to get older photos up!)



Last modified August 22, 2008