Terms and Conditions

Special-Delivery.ca makes every attempt to use the best quality balloons for your display. However, given that the products are exposed to the outdoor weather elements, they may not last as long as they would indoors. The sun, wind, rain, snow and other conditions may shorten the life span of the balloons. Occasionally the balloons may pop, break, or float away. Sorry, they will not be replaced. If severe weather is imminent, you are encouraged to bring the balloons indoors until the weather condition improves. It is expected that ballons may last 1-2 days in outdoor conditions.

Special-Delivery.ca is not responsible for puncturing any underground cabling, sprinkler systems, wiring or other underground contents when installing the stork displays. It is the responsibility of the individual ordering the stork to provide this information to Special-Delivery.ca prior to the installation.

Please keep in mind that Special-Delivery.ca does not have control over adverse weather conditions. All signs are put up weather permitting. If we are unable to put your sign up due to the weather condition at your requested installation date/time, we will gladly make arrangments to either set up your sign at a later time or provide you with a refund. We are not responsible for fallen signs due to extremely strong winds or other factors beyond our control (i.e. pedestrian tampering, etc.). We will gladly instruct you on how to put the sign back up should it be exposed to such factors.