Skin Information Network

How to Choose the Right Sunscreen

While sunscreens are not as commercially varied as are moisturizers and various other anti-aging creams, there are still a lot of options, and it can be a challenge to find the right one for you. While there are many effective sunscreens, it is important that you choose quality products that you also enjoy, as you should be using sunscreens on a regular basis.


You want to choose a high quality product that is effective. Your skin is important to you, and you should be using a high quality product that will provide you with sufficient protection from the sun.

  • Choose a sunscreen that offers broad spectrum protection. The product should be labelled this way, or should clearly indicate that it offers protection from both UVB and UVA light. If a product does not have this designation, it will not protect your skin from UVA light, which causes premature aging.
  • Choose a sunscreen that offers at least 15SPF. SPF is a measurement of the amount and length of protection the sunscreen offers against UVB light specifically.
  • Avoid products that do not have an SPF clearly stated on its label.
  • If you plan to swim, select a product that is water resistant. Sweat and water will deteriorate the sunscreen and leave you with less protection. SPF rating does not take into account real life circumstances like water and sweat, and these need to be accounted for.
  • If possible, choose a sunscreen that has one of these ingredients: Ecamsule, Avobenzone, Titanium oxide, or zinc oxide. These are proven ingredients that provide effective broad spectrum protection.
  • If you are still undecided, ask your dermatologist for a few recommended products on your next visit.

Personal preference

Personal preference is something that is greatly understated in skincare, and especially sunscreens. Very few people use sunscreens on a regular basis, even though many of those people are aware that sun protection is important. Regular use is critical when it comes to sunscreens, and to use it regularly, it is crucial that it is a product that feels comfortable, and is pleasant to use. Don't dismiss personal preference when choosing skincare products, because a high quality product is perfectly useless if it isn't used.

  • Do you like the consistency of the product? Many people find that they don't like the feel of overly greasy products.
  • Are you comfortable with the way the sunscreen appears on your skin? Some products leave a thick visible film on the skin, which some people dislike.
  • Do you like the smell of the sunscreen? While we generally recommend non-fragrance products as they tend to cause less irritation to the skin, the fact is that many products contain fragrance, and many consumers enjoy it. If you don't like the smell of the product, it isn't very likely that you will use the product on a regular basis.
  • Is the sunscreen affordable? This is a product that should be thought of as comparable to soap or toothpaste. That is, it should not be considered to be a luxury item that is used only on special occasions, but one that is used on a daily basis.
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