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The Big Norm Show
is an upcoming reality show/comedy variety showcase that is sure to make you laugh a turd out of your crack. In the shows beginning stages, it was originally set like a late night show with Big Norm as the host. After a successful first show which featured a beat box choir, freestyle rappers, comedians, bobble-headed electronic dance troops, and a ska band, the team decided to change the format to a more party-like setting. The next few parties were filmed and found to be very entertaining. With that in mind, the Big Norm crew came together and came up with the ultimate comedy/reality show concept. It will be a show with a multitude of hilarious sketches, lampoons, comedy spoofs, musical acts and random nothings, mixed with the everyday life and thoughts of Big Norm and his friends. Come step into Big Norm’s world, and watch his twisted and sometimes repulsive humour rip a new hole in your crevice.

What's Dangling y'all! Welcome to my online world of random nothings, jokes, photos, and lesbos! I started off this Big Norm showcase in the summer of '05, when my home girl Jiven (the Hip Hop Barber Shop) put me on to the idea. We went through with an excruciating process of creating humorous material and event planning. Six successful shows later, my talents were noticed by the producers of the Much Music Vj Search and I became a VJ contestant in the reality show competition. The Mother-you-know-whats at Much, cut my ass off the show first, not realizing the entertaining value I possessed. They then realized it after seeing all my hilarious antics on the Much Music website.

VJ Search

Even though I didn't get the vj position, I still got some notoriety, and a chance to showcase my ass on a national platform. Now this website is going to showcase my everyday realities mixed with my twisted imagination. Daily written blogs, weekly comic sketches, digitally modified photo spoofs, constant jokes, and featured hotties, are only a few of the things to come on www.theBIGNORMshow.com .

Stay tuned, and watch out for the Big Norm Show coming to a television set near you (working on the pilot show right now).

Peace in the Middle East….side of my grandpa's, brother's home town village of Iloco Sur in the southern region of the Philippine islands!

Big Norm

Big Norm Quote Of the Week:

Love Yourself, feel yourself, TOUCH yourself!