The graphics2D package contains classes to manage 2D elements of the application GUI.

 AboutBox The AboutBox class is used to create a graphical frame containing information about the application.
 Cover The Cover class is used to create a dark semi-transparent shape covering the entire stage.
 FullScreen The FullScreen class is used to create a button to switch between Flash Player's fullscreen and normal mode.
 Input The Input class is used to create the inital input screen of the Tag Galaxy application.
 LoadingBar The LoadingBar class is used to create a loading bar for the loading of the resource library.
 LogoAnim The LogoAnim class creates and displays an animated Tag Galaxy Logo with randomly sized rotating planets.
 Message The Message class is used to create a text message and display it at the bottom of the screen.
 MessageBox The MessageBox class is used to create a graphical frame containing a text message and a close button.
 MessageSprite The Message Sprite class is used to create a simple empty text field from the library SWF.
 MultiButton The MultiButton class creates a simple button with a text label and a rollover appearance.
 Overlays The Overlays class controls the display of all 2D elements of the application.
 PopularNavi The PopularNavi class is used to create a list of buttons with popular tags to use as a search query.
 StageManager The StageManager class is used to control the position of elements in the Flash Player window.
 StageManagerPos The StageManagerPos class is an enumeration of constant values used in setting the resizePos property of objects for the StageManager class.