Catering terms for bar staff

A list of terms used in a bar
What T is to add more or fill up again?. What D is a very small amount?. What G means to add a decoration to a dish?. What S is to pour liquid through a sieve?. What S describes a drink which is not fizzy?. What S is a drink without alcohol in it?. What S means to drop a drink accidentally?. What B means to mix together? . What A is another name for beer?. What M is a fixed amount usually of spirits?. What D is a drink with two measures usually spirits?. What L is official permission to sell alcohol?. What C is an insulated container to keep an open bottle cool?. What D is not a sweet drink?. What C is to keep a drink in the fridge?. What D is beer pumped from a barrel?. What A is an alcoholic drink before a meal?. What L is a light fizzy beer?. What N is a drink without anything added?. What C is a drink with several ingredients?.
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