John Morehouse Esq.


his descendants


F. Ronald Morehouse



Dedicated to my mother Clara Blanche  (Parker)Morehouse,
whose notes developed my interest many years ago
and also to my father Fredrick Garland Morehouse,
who, during many summers, provided most of my information.

For all the MOREHOUSES


		We walk through the world with our gentle ghosts among us, 
		Peopling all the shadows, till the full moons ride
		Above and up the Old Road where they touch with silver fingers
		The living, and those others who have long since died --

		Men who wrote in their Day Books of their hopes and toil and sorrow, 
		Of the loneliness and beauty of a newly-granted land, 
		Is it strange to feel their wonder as they peer across our shoulders?
		To see what we have written in a thin, less certain hand?

		Is it strange to hear them call us, sons and daughters of their children
		Have we ploughed our furrows cleanly, have we worked our samplers well?
		Have we worked our lives as they did, in the sobering awareness
		Of the Summons that must toll out from the Old Church Bell?

		We are blessed that they are watching, that we shall not go defenseless
		To another land less kindly, on to roads without a mark --
		For they stand as patient sentries; who are theirs need never tremble, 
		Who are theirs will share their vigil in a warm and gentle dark.

							Sarah-Elizabeth Moore
								July 1973


			This is an attempt to tell the story of a pioneer Loyalist
		family which settled two hundred years ago in the wilderness of
		Nova Scotia.

			Since specific details of their early lives are unknown
		we rely on the general history of the times. Fortunately, however, 
		we have several useful references and statements made are based
		on these sources as shown.

			Other books have already been published about the Morehouse
		family i.e. "300 Years of Morehouse History", "History of James
		(The Loyalist) Morehouse" and "Sandy Cove". These contain much
		useful and very interesting information. Additional sources of
		information are "Ancestry and Descendants of Gersham Morehouse", 
		Day Books of John Esq., Jones and Stephen Fountain also wills of
		John Esq. and John Jr.

			This book differs somewhat in presentation in that supp-
		lementing the main text are separate sections for Notes, Figures
		and Maps and Appendices. A Bibliography is also included. It is
		hoped this arrangement will make the principal text easier to
		read and that those readers with further interests may find these
		other parts add interest to the general story.

			The title and genealogy are based on the male lineage but
		let us keep in mind that the Jones, Trask, Ross, Saunders, Snow and
		many other families also contributed a "very important part" in
		the affairs of the family.

			In collecting this information I am most thankful for help
		from many sources particularly from my father, Mary Bull, Veva and
		Inez. Unfortunately I was too late starting this project to benefit
		from conferring with "T.R.", Uncle Henry, Aunt "Zubie", Uncle Dan
		or his son Guy.

						Ronald Morehouse
							March 1995
The Complete Book may be ordered from

James Morehouse

116 Strathearn Ave North

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Quebec Canada 

H4X 1X9

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