Primary Storyline - Pokemon Eclipse RPG - Online Pokemon RPG Game

Primary Storyline

Primary Storyline
Numerous generations ago, a worldwide struggle for the freedom of this world was waged; the freedom of the planet known as Elentia. This war, which was referred to as the Crystal War was fought previous to the creation of the mythical creatures named "Pokémon".

Millions of people perished within the Crystal War, and there was seemingly endless sorrow. An overwhelmingly enormous amount of humans wished to battle and default the individuals who were disrupting their lives... however, there was nearly nothing they could do, seeing as they were just regular villagers without sufficient physical strength.

Countless years passed, and the humans of Elentia were continually being killed by the Galian Army. Many wondered what their reasons for doing this were, however, all they knew was that the Galian Army seeked the Crystals of Elentia so that they could control the universe. In an effort of finding information, they would threaten the villagers. If the villagers could not provide information, the Galian Army killed them.

The people of Elentia were overwhelmingly depressed by everything which was going on, and, therefore, they seeked out the Crystals of Elentia -- the most powerful sources of energy within the universe. They split up, attempting to stay hidden from the Galian Army. Unfortunately, the majority of them perished. Eventually, they realized it was hopeless.

Suddenly, time seemed to slow down, and all of the people dropped onto their knees. The cries and prayers of the humans formed an overwhelmingly amazing form of energy. The energy which was generated slowly rose up into the clouds, and it burst throughout the planet of Elentia. Eight crystals vastly descended from the heavens.

The crystals magnificently glimmered, and the skies cleared of the dark clouds which had been looming over all of Elentia for the past century, and the crystals scattered throughout the planet. Suddenly, beautiful creatures appeared all throughout the universe -- creatures which are now known as "Pokémon". They were created in order to aid the humans in the future once again, if something of this magnitude occurred again.

Elentia rejoiced -- they were now free...

However, numerous generations later, a threat to the universe appears to be forming -- one even worse than the Crystal War. Now, you must be the hero to stand up against this evil, uncover the secret of ShadowCelebi, save the one you love, and restore peace to the universe!
