Cara teaches the owner to communicate with his or her dog through sign and talking... - Rustie's owner
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About Us

Cara Scott (a.k.a. The Doglady) is renowned in the dog-training world for her ability to turn any dog into a model citizen. She is a certified professional dog trainer who also holds a Bachelor of Business Administration and a Diploma in University Teaching; both from UNB.  Being able to combine her dog training skills with her adult education and business background has been a recipe for success.

Cara has been training dogs professionally since 2001, and in this time, she has worked with over a thousand dogs and dozens of different breeds. She is exceptionally skilled at helping her clients find ways to incorporate dog training into their daily routines; it is not a one-shot deal and consistency is the key to success.

She is often called upon by local veterinarians for assessments of aggressive behaviour.  Known for her honesty and lack of ‘sugar coating’ a message, she has earned a reputation as the ‘go to’ prior to making any harsh decisions regarding a dog’s life.  Luckily, many times this consultation can save the dog!

Having fun in the classes is very important to Cara.  Incorporating games, play and a lot of laughs into the classes makes sure that the dogs AND the owners are having fun and want to be there.

Cara is certified in Pet First Aid (St. John Ambulance).


Shane Goguen joined Leader of the Pack in 2011 and brought with him a wealth of knowledge.  Shane has an amazing ability to connect with even the shyest or most introverted dogs.  His patience and calm demeanor can bring any dog out of his or her  shell.  Having had greyhounds and having volunteered with a greyhound rescue group for many years, he is very knowledgeable about that breed; they really are like no other.  They truly are Grey’t!

Shane is certified in Emergency First Aid/CPR and Pet First Aid (St. John Ambulance).



Gregor Wilson was born into the family biz!  When he was one week old, The Doglady had him at the field using him as a distraction in his stroller.  Now a young man, Gregor has worked his way up from being a distraction in training sessions, to providing one-on-one training to clients.  Gregor is fluently bilingual (English and French) and has a natural ability with dogs (and their people).  When he is not helping out at Leader of the Pack, you can find him on the rugby pitch, football field, hockey rink or enjoying the outdoors fishing bass or hunting geese (always with lead free tackle and ammo!)