let your mind relax
let your senses open
let your attention deepen
  1. Winter 2017 Expressive Mind Open Studio with Margaret Jones Callahan

    The Expressive Mind Open Studio offers a healing art circle at Windhorse Studio near Peggy’s Cove. The groups are a mindfull inquiry based in creative activity. Each session begins with mindfulness practices and contemplation of a particular theme, which we then explore in the art. We explore both the positive qualities of mind and difficult life questions. Using the principles of mindfulness and embodied awareness in painting, calligraphy, pastels, and collage; we engage in an open-hearted personal journey. Participants identify and develop their personal themes and capacities and share their process in discussions. Margaret’s groups are known for their warmth, humor, clarity and depth.

    This event includes 3 sessions, Friday November 17, 24 and December 1. Each session begins at 9:30 am and concludes at 1:00 pm.

    Register online: Winter 2017 Expressive Mind Open Studio

    True Point Programs has a generosity policy. For details and to request participating with our generosity policy, please contact us at Please include “Open Studio Generosity Policy” in the subject line of your email.

  2. Autumn 2017 Expressive Mind: Open Studio Group

    The Expressive Mind Open Studio offers a healing art circle at Windhorse Studio near Peggy’s Cove. The groups are a mindfull inquiry based in creative activity. Each session begins with mindfulness practices and contemplation of a particular theme, which we then explore in the art. We explore both the positive qualities of mind and difficult life questions. Using the principles of mindfulness and embodied awareness in painting, calligraphy, pastels, and collage; we engage in an open-hearted personal journey. Participants identify and develop their personal themes and capacities and share their process in discussions. Margaret’s groups are known for their warmth, humor, clarity and depth.

    This event includes 3 sessions, Friday October 20, 27 and November 3. Each session begins at 9:30 am and concludes at 1:00 pm.
    Register online: Autumn 2017 Expressive Mind Open Studio

    True Point Programs has a generosity policy. For details and to request participating with our generosity policy, please contact us at Please include “Open Studio Generosity Policy” in the subject line of your email

  3. Provoking Sanity: Introduction to Expressive Mind Retreat at Windhorse Studio, Indian Harbour, NS

    The “Provoking Sanity” retreat introduces you to the experience of Mindfulness based Art Therapy within a retreat environment. The retreat day offers a chance to learn to meditate or to deepen your practice, as well as the opportunity to explore your creativity and the wisdom of your expressive mind. “Provoking Sanity” offers a mindful inquiry based in creative activity. The day begins with mindfulness practices and contemplation of a particular theme, which we then explore in the art. We explore both the positive qualities of mind and difficult life questions. Using the principles of mindfulness and embodied awareness in painting, calligraphy, pastels, and collage; we engage in an open-hearted personal journey. Participants identify and develop their personal themes and capacities and share their process in discussions. Margaret’s groups are known for their warmth, humor, clarity and depth.

    Sunday, October 15: 9:30 am – 3:00 pm
    Windhorse Studio: 251 Paddys Head Rd., Indian Harbour, NS

    Register online: Provoking Sanity

    True Point Programs has a generosity policy. For details and to request participating with our generosity policy, please contact us at Please include “Provoking Sanity Generosity Policy” in the subject line of your email.

  4. Mindfulness and Creative Process in Counselling

    Group Up Professional Devlopment Services presents:

    Mindfulness and Creative Process in Counselling: Pathways to Deepening the Work
    with Margaret Jones Callahan

    April 27 & 28, 2018
    Winnipeg, Manitoba
    $325 before March 15

    This workshop includes an overview of:
    • The 8 Principles of Mindful Art by lecture and
    • The 3 Stages of Mindfulness Based Art
    An experiential introduction to:
    • Mindfulness Practices
    • Mindful Artmaking and Art Based Inquiry
    Case presentations of:
    • The Application of Mindful Art in Counselling

    To register or for more information: