Patrimoine canadien

Vignettes historiques

Claude Picard: Creator of Emotions

Adorned with paintings and works of art of his own and of his friends, the walls of Claude and Jeannine Picard's house tell beautiful stories, one of a famous painter, a proud father, and a loving husband.

Surrounded by his brothers and sisters, the youngest child of the Picard family soon discovers a passion for drawing. "It was always innate in me, deep-rooted. To pass the time on winter evenings we spend our time drawing, right after dinner. I would look forward to these times; for me they were magic."1

He constantly develops his artistic direction and learns to master his talent while taking art lessons in primary school, where he mentions he always got good marks. He then meets Dr. P.C. Laporte (see historical vignette # 7) who lends him a great hand, especially by initiating him to the principles of art. Claude Picard continues his schooling in Edmundston while taking a correspondence course with the International Correspondence School of Scranton, located in Pennsylvania USA. His career as an artist takes off at the young age of thirteen, when he wins a national contest sponsored by Robin Hood. He rapidly becomes famous and accepts his very first contract as an artist-painter.2 His ability to paint faces, especially facial expressions, gives life to his portraits and is a trademark of his still-fruitful career.