WorldNet Immigration & Employment Services Inc. Header

WPS can supply the personnel you need for your company:

  • Building Trades Skills eg: carpenters, electricians, instrument technicians, insulators, pipe fitters
  • Engineering Skills eg: designers, draftspersons, CAD operators, electronic technicians, various unregistered engineering disciplines
  • Health Care Workers eg: home care assistants, lab technicians, medical staff, nurses, nursing assistants, specialized needs.
  • Fabrication & Manufacturing Skills eg: boiler makers, iron workers, maintenance technicians, operating technicians.
  • Transportation Industry Skills eg: truck drivers, heavy duty mechanics, equipment operators, material handlers.
  • Restaurant & Service Industry Workers eg: cooks, wait staff, food preparation, camp services, janitorial services.
  • Any specialized labour skills requirements.

pipeline in the northThe Pipeline and Road Building Industries:  Pipeline specialists, welders, truckers, and heavy duty mechanics are especially hard for Canadian companies to find on their own.  WPS's experienced staff around the globe seek out highly qualified experienced workers that are motivated to work in Canada. The scope of the labour shortage is enormous.  Canadian industries require thousands of welders, truckers, heavy duty mechanics and related personnel. Our International skilled workers are especially adept at coming on board large projects due to nature of their skills. They are experienced in their trades. All WPS employees have suitable English language skills. They have passed regulated written and verbal English tests and they are able communicate well. Most have International Mega Project experience in all areas.  WPS also has full medical staff available to facilitate fully serviced first aid or hospital support.

front end loader in sand pitThe Mining Industry: Tied in with the same skilled employee shortage that is facing the pipeline and road building industries, there is a tremendous shortage of heavy duty equimpent operators, heavy duty mechanics, welders, millwrights, fabricators, engineers and first aide attendants in the mining industry. WPS specializes in finding your needed work force be that large or small. From your needs for a single employee to needs in the hundreds of employees for Mega Projects, WPS is the company that has come up with a solution to both the immediate and long term labour shortage problems that exist within Canada.  All WPS employees have suitable English language skills. They have passed regulated written and verbal English tests and they are able communicate well. Most have International Mega Project experience in all areas. 

medical staffThe Health Industry: WPS has an extensive candidate base of certified and experienced Health Care Workers. From hospital to your homecare  needs, WPS is able to provide home care workers, registered medical staff in all areas, and pharmacists. We service hospitals in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba by locating and recruiting the skilled labour shortage that exists within Canada's medical system. It is widely recognized that the demographics of Canada are such that there is a heavy balance as an aging population with a very low national birth rate. Consequently, there is a growing shortage of skilled labour as many Canadians reach the age of retirement and leave the work force. In general, people require more medical attention as they age. The shortage is especially accute in remote areas.


red long haul truckThe Trucking Industry:  Our service to the Trucking Industry is second to none. Our drivers are used to extremely detailed  multi-national Border Crossing requirements. Most WPS drivers have substantially higher skill levels than their Canadian counterparts, due to an intensive training and apprenticeship program. Almost all are trained mechanics and are skilled at vehicle maintenance. WPS provides long haul truck drivers from Europe, South Africa, and the Philippines for Canadian firms. We are experts in uniting qualified competent drivers with Canadian companies. We screen all applicants. We select those who have suitable English Language skills, extensive driving experience, a clean driving record, plus vechicle maintenance and log keeping skills. WPS has the solution to both the immediate and the long term problems that exist within Canada's trucking industry. Our employees who excel in Canada may be offered the chance to become landed immigrants. In addition to their personal loyalty, as a driver, each will sign a contract with you. They cannot readily switch employers during the term of the contract. You are safeguarded with a contract buy out clause within the contract.