There are some things we do that might surprise you:

The days of a mouth full of sticky, gooey impression material are gone!

Now when you need a Crown, Bridge, Night guard, Invisalign, or even a Partial denture we will create a digital impression by making a 3D computerized scan of your teeth.

The scan file is then sent via internet to our laboratory where your case is custom made for you. Superior fit and esthetics and a result that will last many years is the end product!!

Invisalign - Straight teeth without braces!! Invisalign website

Tscan digital bite analysis - if you have persistent bite pain, headaches or sensitive teeth, we can often relieve many of these symptoms by carefully analysing and then selectively adjusting your bite. Our ultra-sensitive digital bite analyser helps us see what's hitting when and how hard so we can fine tune and balance your bite.

Digital xrays provide a safer and more accurate method of helping our Doctors diagnose potential problems in the hidden parts of your mouth. With only a fraction of the radiation associated with traditional dental xrays, your safety is maximized.

We also offer a full range of esthetic services like Veneers, beautiful porcelain crowns and white fillings.

If you have any missing teeth, ask us about Dental implants, both standard and mini types,

We make Full and Partial Dentures supported by your natural teeth, or Dental Implants

We provide Root canal treatment on front  and back teeth, wisdom tooth extractions, and many other surgical proceedures.

Our Hygienists and Doctors are fully trained in the use of Ultrasonics and Laser treatments for optimal gum health (see below).

The Odyssey laser is a soft tissue laser. This type of modern technology penetrates soft tissue while sealing blood vessels and nerve endings which is the primary reason why many people experience no pain following the use of a laser.

Our laser can also be used in periodontal therapy with great results. The ability of the laser to kill bacteria in periodontal pockets ridding them of sick and infected tissue has enormous potential. Not only as a means of stoping and even reversing the progression of gum disease, it also is a fast and simple preventative treatment. 

Sedation - For our patients who want excellent dentistry but are anxious about getting treatment, our Drs are also trained in Sedation Dentistry using Sedative medications and Nitrous Oxide gas. We also provide some services under General Anaesthetic at Kitimat General Hospital.

You could say ... we do it all and our main aim is to bring the best Dentistry has to offer to our community