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Zelcan Psychological
Counselling & Consulting Services
About Dr. Brian Zelt, Counselling for Adults and Families in NW Calgary!


Dr. Zelt is a Registered Psychologist and a Ph.D. graduate from the University of Calgary.

Dr. Zelt has provided counselling and treatment supports to adults, children, and families for the past 25 years

Dr. Zelt has worked in a number of treatment settings including private practice, intensive campus-based treatment for at-risk youth and their families, and an Employee and Family Assistance Program (EFAP) located in downtown Calgary.

Dr. Zelt is currently on the Senior Management Team of Wood's Homes, a local non-profit that provides treatment and community supports to children, youth, families, and adults.


Contact: To book an appointment with Dr. Zelt or to inquire further about his services, please call him in confidence at (403) 605-7750 or by e-mail at zelcan@shaw.ca.