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Place des Arts
2024 Design Excellence Finalist ...

Continuing Education Cycle 
ends on June 30, 2024

Thank you for your interest - the deadline for the cycle has now passed.

Licensed members remember to report your Continuing Education Structured and Unstructured learning hours on your Transcript
exterior shot of OAA Building
View Landscape Design Submissions at Doors Open
Submissions to the OAA’s Landscape Design Competition will be on special exhibition at the OAA headquarters until June 21. Visit the headquarters to see the design ideas. Contact the OAA about availability to see them. The submissions are also now available online for you to explore!

Image: Andrew Grinton
2024 Design Excellence winners banner
OAA Reveals Three New Winners at Conference 2024
Celebrating the best in achievements by Ontario practices and architects, the OAA is thrilled to reveal 3 new winners for the People's Choice Award, Michael V. and Wanda Plachta Award and the Lieutenant Governor's Award for Design Excellence in Architecture announced at the Celebration of Excellence.
Court Order Regarding Licensed Technologists OAA banner
Updates on Legislation Related to Limited Licences
Learn more about critical information related to the Court Order that affects those who were enrolled in the OAA Technology Program or a Licensed Technologist OAA, as well as updates on legislative changes that would allow limited licences.


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OAA ConEd Webinar Series

The OAA's Continuing Education Webinar series is live and offered weekly— sessions run on most Thursdays from 11:00 am to 12:30 pm with closed-captioning.

Access to Architecture

The Access to Architecture page is a portal that makes it easy for anyone to learn more about how to get involved in the field of architecture.

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Equity, Diversity & Inclusion

This portal provides key links and references to the OAA’s equity, diversity, and inclusion work and includes relevant news, events, and reports.

Climate Action

The climate change emergency's far reaching effects have positioned it as one of the defining global challenges today. Find tools, resources, and more related to climate action in the architecture profession.

Contracts for Professional Services

The OAA offers access to a suite of free, downloadable standardized contracts to make it easier for architectural professionals and their clients or consultants to enter into fair, balanced business relationships.

Individual riding his bike outside
Vision, Mandate, and Strategic Plan

Learn more about the Ontario Association of Architects’ vision, mission, and priorities to better understand its goals and approaches. Click here the view the Strategic plan.

Hiring the Right Professional

Are you looking to work with an Architect? Find a Certificate of Practice holder that can offer architectural services to the public in Ontario.

Latest News

CANstruction Toronto Collects 71,000 Cans of Food to Support Dail...
Architectural News

Toronto’s Daily Bread Food Bank will receive 71,000 cans of food from the AED industry, thanks to donations from the 22nd edition of CANstruction Toronto, a competition which aims to raise awareness...

Celebrating An Amazing 2024 Doors Open Weekend
Architectural News

Last weekend, sites across the city opened their doors to the public as part of Doors Open Toronto—an annual two-day event that invites people to visit sites of architectural, social, historical and...

Decibels and Dwellings: Noise Control Evolution in the NBC
Architectural News

The evolution of soundproofing standards within the National Building Code of Canada (NBC) offers a fascinating journey through nearly eight decades of architectural and acoustic advancements...

Latest Events

This keynote unpacks and broadens the concept of Queer Spaces from Queer-oriented nightlife venues to a whole plethora of urban and architectural scenarios as well as interrogating the topic through...

Published by Phaidon, Andrew Heid presents Glass Houses (2023) an inspiring collection of 50 spectacular architect-designed homes that utilize glass to maximum effect. The international selection...

The Canada/China Housing Workshop is intended to foster dialogue between Canada and China on a range of issues related to housing. Notwithstanding the difference in economic and political contexts...

The Ottawa Architecture Foundation imagines a National Capital Region that thrives on beautiful, sustainable, healthy buildings, parks and places for people. A city where the public feels...

Contracts banner

OAA Contract Suite

Did you know the OAA offers free contracts for its members and the general public? These downloadable standardized contracts make it easier for all to enter into fair, balanced business relationships.

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BLOAAG - Design Excellence Finalists

Check out our 2024 Design Excellence Finalists! This year's collection features a diverse range of building types.

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Events Calendar

Check out our events calendar for a wide array of online and in-person events. Also submit an event using our new online form.