Ontario Turfgrass Research Foundation

Investing in greener futures.

About OTRF

The Ontario Turfgrass Research Foundation (OTRF) directs and promotes turfgrass research for the benefit of the turfgrass industry and the general public.

The OTRF is the leader in Canadian turfgrass research funding. Dedicated to supporting the continued advancement of turfgrass through research projects, we are focused on funding projects that will assist the turf industry with products, practices, and sustainable enhancements.

As a charitable foundation and the leader in Canadian turfgrass research funding, we direct funds towards projects that will advance the turf industry with products, practices, and enhancements for sports fields, public parks, residential lawns, golf courses, and municipal greenspaces.

Read more about how we help.

Our Association Partners

Our Association Partners provide continued support for vital research projects and help ensure future generations will have healthy green spaces to work, live, and play. As a partner, you are an integral contributor to the OTRF and the development of the turfgrass industry.


Our Platinum Sponsors

Our Platinum Sponsors offer ongoing support for vital research in the turfgrass industry. As a sponsor, you can showcase your company’s marketing message to highly-qualified buyers and demonstrate your commitment to the future of the turfgrass industry.


Your donation to the OTRF supports the latest turfgrass research projects in Canada and around the globe. All donations go toward helping us provide future generations with healthy green spaces.

Our Members

Become an OTRF member by donating $100 or more on an annual basis and influence the direction of research, provide insight to guide OMAFRA policy, receive advance notification of events, and showcase your membership to other industry professionals.

Research Priorities & RFPs

Each year, the OTRF Research Committee selects a range of innovative annual research projects to fund, based on a comprehensive series of priorities.

NEW – just released Feb 2021- Athletic Field Maximum Hour Usage Guide 

Here is a video to a project we recently funded.

Click here to read our current research project priorities.

The Importance of Turfgrass Research

Turfgrass is one of the planet’s most valuable resources and is a key component in improving places where people live, work, and play.

There are numerous environmental, economic, and health benefits to installing turfgrass including: reducing air pollution, cooling the air, controlling soil erosion, improving physical and mental health, reducing injuries, preserving natural wildlife habitat, and providing employment to a variety of industries.

Healthy green spaces support healthy communities and provide both immediate and long-term benefits.

OTRF News & Events

Each year, the OTRF Research Committee selects a range of innovative annual research projects to fund and hosts events for industry professionals. View the latest updates on industry news and OTRF events below.