I’m originally from a tiny French island in the Indian Ocean, not far from Madagascar, called Reunion Island. Born with a spirit of adventure and love of world travel, I studied in Versailles (France), have lived in Normandy, Paris, Montreal, and now, Edmonton in beautiful Alberta.

While I originally studied literature and law, the legal industry lacked the creativity and connection that photography has gifted me. Not only that, but I found myself in photography. I found my vision, my voice, my passion, and my purpose. I found my place in the world, where I fit, and how I can make a change. And today, my work as a lifestyle and portrait photographer, allows me to shape the way my clients see themselves so they can more confidently pursue their own purpose – which is an invaluable gift.


Emilie believes in the power of photography. Everyone needs to be seen and loved. She is here for the people who want more than pretty smiles and hidden truths. She is here for authenticity and real belly laughs. The older she gets, the more she finds herself rejecting society’s representation of beauty in favour of the quiet, unassuming, confident, and profound beauty of a person who has truly lived. A person who has abandoned the unattainable quest for perfection and surrenders to the joyful beauty that comes with each different age, stage, and experience.


Ready to tell your story? Browse available services, then book a free consultation. Let’s create together.

“I am a storyteller. I love telling stories and as a kid, I wanted to be a journalist or a writer. Now, I tell stories through photographs.”

Emilie Iggiotti • Photographer & Creative Director

Let's make magic together

Let's make magic together