
Degrassi Community School Forever


Basically I just really love Degrassi. Always have, probably always will.

The most important part of the music video...


(also it’s good to know the set is still being put to good use during this insanely long hiatus)


Esme rant time, a rant of love for her, PS.

Esme's story is all too familiar.

Yes, we see multiple characters go through things and they get help and they get support.

But I think Esme's story is so important.

She is going through hell and no one seems to take notice.

And that's the issue with Mental Health and the related services.

Mental illness is everywhere and yet we are still so blind to it.

You see a girl being obsessed over her boyfriend and acting out intensely when she feels wronged, whether she was or not.

That's just a teenage girl being a teenage girl, except it isn't. Esme's emotional reactivity is a sign of illness but people would rather just push it off as teenage drama. Especially because a few hours later or the next day she's smiling like nothing bad has ever happened to her. But yet again, that rebound is just another sign of her illness.

Esme's story is too often what's happening to so many people.

Unrecognized or perhaps ignored mental illness.

I agree with the consensus that Esme has Borderline Personality Disorder, her case is kind of that 'classic' BPD case for lack of better words.

And it's a fact that BPD has such negative connotations to it, even and sometimes especially within the Mental Health field. I can tell you stories I've heard of the negative biases people hold against people with BPD. "They're just a Borderline."

It's like there's this notion that because they have a certain illness they can't be helped, and that's complete bull.

Getting back to Esme's actual storyline though. I pray that in the upcoming seasons we see people reach out to help Esme. And maybe Esme fights against it at first but that those around her don't give up on her. I hope someone advocates for her. I just want to see Esme get the help she deserves.

...I just wish I lived in a world where every person with Mental Health complications could get the help they deserve, that treatment would be given when asked for and given when needed even if not asked for. That's all I want.

Okay. 4am rant over.


Don't mind me. I'm just sitting here, waiting. Waiting for the next season of Degrassi Next Class......

....and I'll keep waiting.

I need to know the fate of Esme, of Frankie, of Lola, of every character ever in the history of Degrassi....

So, yeah, I'll be waiting.

(Also I'm pretty sure I saw Chelsea Clark in a commercial the other day when I was watching a Toronto channel (I'm on the west coast.).)

Really, Degrassi people, you can announce anything fantastic anytime now...anytime.


(Putting this here because it’s kinda about Degrassi, and didn’t feel like it fit to put on a different page.) I just had such a massive and bind blowing explosion of a realization occur. So recently I’ve been rewatching old Degrassi: The Next Generation episodes, and tonight I decided to rewatch Strange Days at Blake Holsey High. That second decision came from me diving into rabbit hole on YouTube related to the first half of the first half of the previous sentence. Long story short I was watching videos of Cassie Steele singing which lead to videos of Paula Brancati singing, which lead to her connection to Michael Seater, which lead to Blake Hosley High. Anywho, I was on IMDB looking up the cast of BHH and saw that one actor’s name is Robert Clark, he plays Vaughn Pearson. I saw his face and thought ‘man, he sure looks familiar, but like outside of BHH’. Anywho, then I was watching the first episode of BHH and I hear his character speak and it hits me. Because not only is his face familiar but so is his voice. His voice then clued me into the fact that he looks and sounds like Sean Cameron from Degrassi who is played by none other than Daniel Clark who, would you guess it, is Robert’s brother. Jeese. Talk about a long night of Degrassi and Stange Days at Blake Holsey High flashbacks. The early 2000s were good to me in terms of Canadian teen television, it just took me a trillion years to realize two actors in two of my favourite shows are siblings, lol! 


Oh, Esme, you poor poor soul. My heart goes out to her so much. It's being going out to her since we met her though.


Esme. There’s a reason she is so manipulative. She needs control. I’m gonna take a guess and say she’s been that way for a while. I’d guess that ever since her mother’s death she’s tried to take control however she can, especially since her mother’s death was so far out of her control. It’s terrible though to see what it has done to her. She probably can’t even imagine what it would be like to be out of control, I think it causes her to panic when things do go array for her. So she does whatever - lies, fakes self harm, etc - she can to make things go the way she wants them to. I really do think Esme is a sweet girl, she just went through some shit at a young age that turned her into the manipulative and controlling teenager she is now. And while Esme might just be a character on a show I’m sure there are people like her, and I just hope everything turns out alright for her in the end and that she can be okay with the fact that not everything is in her control. 

I still have 3 episodes left in the season, I guess we’ll see what happens for her.

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