Your Views on Parenting

Information Sheet

Goal of the Study

The Canadian researchers listed below, together with an international team, are conducting research investigating the needs of parents and the types of parenting support that would be helpful to them. We are interested in the kinds of difficulties parents experience in their role of parenting their child, the parenting strategies they currently use, and also their preferences for accessing parenting support. Information about the project is available on the website of the Family Psychology Laboratory at the University of Ottawa at:

A summary of the results will be posted at that site on the completion of the study.

What does participation involve?

Parents of children aged 2-12 years old are invited to complete a set of questionnaires about their child, the way they parent, their family and their preferences for parenting support. The survey will take approximately 15-20 minutes to complete.

Risks and benefits

Participation in this study involves no physical or mental discomfort, and no risks beyond those of everyday living. If, however, you find any question distressing or invasive, you are free to not answer it.

There is no direct benefit to you of participating in this survey. A potential indirect benefit, however, is that you may experience a sense of satisfaction by helping us understand needed supports for helping parents with the task of raising their children. It is also possible that completing the survey will help you better understand your own thoughts and feelings about parenting.

Your rights: Voluntary participation in a confidential and anonymous survey

Participation in this study is completely voluntary and you can withdraw at any time before hitting the button to submit the survey. If you chose to withdraw from the study your information will be deleted.

You will not be asked to provide your name. All information provided will be stored securely in a password protected computer, and will be used for statistical purposes only. Only the researchers and their assistants will have access to the data. The data collected in this study will be used to inform service providers and policy makers on the best ways to help parents connect to parenting supports. No identifying information will be used in any presentations or publications emerging from this study. Participants will not incur any costs as a result of participation in the study.


If you have any questions, you may contact one of the researchers. If you have any questions regarding the ethical conduct of this study, you may contact the Protocol Officer for Ethics in Research, University of Ottawa, Tabaret Hall, 550 Cumberland Street, Room 154, Ottawa, Ontario, K1N 6N5,

Canadian Investigators

International Investigators

  • Nina Heinrichs, PhD. (University of Bielefeld, Germany)
  • Alina Morawska, PhD. University of Queensland,Australia)
  • Matthew Sanders, PhD. (University of Queensland,Australia)
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