1030 Sheppard Ave W, Unit 906, Toronto, ON M3H 6C1

Canadian CopyWriter Gets You More in 2024!

What's The Best Copyriting for Your Website?

Copy Written Specifically for Your Online Audience.

This is known as User-First Content and entails a Content-First strategy. In other words, copy that speaks directly to people searching for your products or services online. Whether the intent is to Inform or Transact, appropriately done, it leaves a lasting impression, creating a positive user experience and getting the Click.   

The good news is our team of Canadian Copywriters Get It!

Moreover, today’s savvy copywriters include answers to your audience’s common FAQs, resulting in easily findable and actionable content on Google for B2C and B2B websites. 

Google rewards SEO Copywriting and Content Written for People vs content written solely for search engines. How? With better Ranking, click-through rates (CTR), reach, response, and ROI.

Meet Writing Web Words

Local SEO Services
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Our professional copywriters understand what it takes to succeed online. And today, ‘Answers Rule.’ SEO matters, but you miss the boat if you’re hung up on just ranking. What does it matter if you rank best for a term or topic, but your content fails to serve your audience’s priority: the answer(s) to their questions?

This is why more people increasingly refer to Google as an ‘answer engine’ rather than a ‘search engine.’ Naturally, format, grammar, syntax, spelling, readability, and more aid the cause, but ask yourself: Do searchers leave your site scratching their heads, no wiser for the experience?

Are you the owner of a Canadian Company or Business tired of high websites bounce rates and frustrated with low conversions and lacklustre results? Let’s talk Content and Copywriting personalized to your website and audience, written by a professional copywriter in Canada who will create copy that clicks with your audience, which is what we do

We copywrite it right the first time.

Our Online Copywriting Process guarantees this and includes the following:

  • Copywriting driven by user intent (I.e., buy, sell or transact, inform, branding)
  • Copywriters who comply with & exceed Google’s Best Practices
  • Professional & Experienced Copywriters
  • Competitive research
  • Keyword research
  • and more.

What’s the NET Result?

Seasoned Canadian Copywriters and Content Developers backed by a proven Internet Copywriting Strategy that gets results, helping you compete with and outrank competitors while providing you with a profitable ROI.

Fact: Our user intent-driven content produces an average of 42% growth in online leads and a 25% increase in annual sales for our clients. 

Canada’s One-Stop Canadian Copywriting Shop

Internet Marketing Agencies hire us to create the best content for their clientele. And teach their in-house writers to write click-worthy content.

Our hand-picked content and copywriting staff are English and Journalism majors and graduates of top Canadian Copywriting and Journalism educational institutions, born and raised and living in Canada.

Canadian, eh? Indeed! They are creative content developers specializing in B2C and B2B website copy, paying close attention to details, especially for localized content. When writing for your site, we account for:

  • Content vs. Context
  • Voice Search
  • Scannability
  • Readability
  • Pagination
  • Grammar
  • Spelling
  • Mobile

We write how your audience speaks while adhering to Google’s Documentation Style Guide.

Creating Clean, Consistent Copywriting That Converts, including:   

  • Proper Formatting, Punctuation & Organization
  • The Desired Voice & Tone of Your Audience
  • Correct Language & Grammar
  • Mobile Optimization
  • Image Optimization
  • Accessibility

“Google rewards websites with high quality and original content. And readers reward your high-quality copy with their business. We accomplish this by adhering to Google’s Guidelines for High-Quality Content and Best Practices.”

It’s about creating information-rich text that clearly and accurately describes your products and services and answers common questions. Our main goal is to create an enjoyable and memorable web copy experience for new and existing visitors to your website that inspires them to take action. 

We ensure your site ranks, engages and converts organically on Google Maps and Organic Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs.)

Looking for a hassle-free & trusted Canadian copywriter who just happens to live in Toronto, Ontario? Let’s talk. Or write. Grow your business in 2024 and beyond. Start Today!

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Hire an Expert CopyWriter Near You

Based in Greater Toronto, Ontario, we’ve written website copy since 2008 and going strong.

More About Us

Serving small & medium-sized business owners in and near Toronto, Ontario, Canada & North America, with expert online writing that achieves:

“Hiring Ray and Writing Web Words was the best decision I ever made for my clients. Many of my clients need content writing services and Ray totally delivers. Thanks to Ray, my clients now rank higher on Google Search Results for their products and services. And since they rank higher on Google, they have seen a big return on investment: their website traffic has been boosted in a big way and so has their bottom line.

Ray and his team offer innovative SEO solutions in today’s competitive digital world and what’s even better is that his firm’s rates are very affordable.”
– Paul Fitzgerald
Founder and Owner Salt & Pepper Media Inc. Burlington, Ontario, CA

Can You Copywrite your Website?

Sure, you can. We can even help you or your team Learn SEO Copywriting techniques that work in conjunction with a digital writing course we teach. You may even save money by doing it yourself. But first, consider what’s at stake. For instance, if your website is your sole source of income, it becomes risky if not written properly for an online audience. 

Developing web writing skills that result in high rankings and conversions takes time and learning a new skill set. Hire an experienced website copywriter, or let us teach you how to do it yourself. At Writing Web Words Inc., we can help in both cases, so let’s talk. 

We Write it right the first time.

Expert Content and Copywriting is Our Difference.

Before hiring a writer, ask for past and current examples of their website writing skills. And ask for references. Also, ensure their association with well-known industry organizations.

If you’re hiring a web writer to specifically rank your products/services on search engines, have them show you real world samples of their work shown in real time. This will aid you in your decision.

You see, there are right and wrong ways to write a website. And this is where a veteran copywriter shines. A professonally trained copywriter researches online competitors and discovers essential keywords that help a site rank on Google. Content written with search intent is critical to your online success.

An expert is proficient in Content Management Systems (CMS), such as WordPress and Wix. All factors contribute to success when optimizing a Site that works for your business.

As a text-based medium, it helps to know where to intelligently place text & keywords to get found and effectively communicate your message.

Lastly, an experienced content writer knows and understands their audience.

As such, it’s crucial to do your due diligence and select a qualified web writer with the right experience.

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Can you use more business in 2024?

Website writing tailored to your specific needs, from corporate to retail, B2B to B2C, is our specialty. Our results-driven web writing skills speak for themselves, with client testimonials and an over 80% referral rate.

Based on experience, the goal of most online businesses is to generate:

  • Website traffic
  • Sales inquiries
  • Qualified leads
  • New business

Does one or all of these goals sound familiar?

So ask yourself: Is your business website working for you? Does it generate leads and new business? If the answer is no, consider talking to a professional web copywriter near you.

Whether you’re in a bricks and mortar location, or an e-commerce store, a web writing pro can help move the needle. And let’s face it. What local business couldn’t use more business these days?

Our copy delivers.

As recommended web writers for over a decade, we have it down to a science. You can ask our happy clients, some still with us since the beginning. And make no mistake, the ability to write online copy that performs is an art and a science.

Are you searching for a trusted online writer? In Toronto and Canada, the choice is clear.

Choose us for original Website Content writing.

We are a time-tested service that gets it right the first time. Whether writing from scratch or for a rewrite or edits, rest assured you’ll get fresh and refreshing text works.

Could your website’s copy use an update? Some textual TLC? If so, let’s talk. We’re happy to answer your questions and share advice.

Moreover, when you hire us, you work with a trusted Canadian business. You also deal with owner Ray Litvak, born and rasied in Canada, but who lives in Greater, Toronto, to be exact.

Ray and his team help companies in all stages of growth connect buyers with sellers on the Internet via expert online copy services. And we can help you too!

Call us today at (647) 707-2672 and ask for Ray. You’ll be glad you did!

*References are available upon request.

More reasons to choose us.

We are Toronto, Canada’s trusted Website Content Writing Service Provider for B2B and B2C companies & professionals.

We generate proven results that get businesses ranked for their Google Business Profiles and Google’s SERPs.

In fact, since 2008, we’ve helped over 100 businesses to dominate their local market with front-page results and can do the same for you.

How do we drive results? We create proven and customized online marketing strategies that deliver qualified leads and customers to your site or door.

Simply put, our Digital Marketing Services leave you more time to take care of what’s important to you. We have a 90% success rate.  So try us. You’ll like us. Call (647) 707-2672 to learn more and book a FREE SEO Copy Audit.

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Web Writer in Toronto, ON, Canada
Website Writer in Toronto, ON, Canada

Expert CopyWriter at Your Service

Since 2008, we’ve had the privilege of working with a broad spectrum of industries across Greater Toronto and Canada; including B2B and B2C. Most hire us for Local SEO Services and Website Copy Services.

That said, we have been hired by the Ontario Ministry of Economic Development, Trade and Employment; Construction companies, Contractors, Renovators and Home Services providers to name a few.

In addition, we regularly work with the Auto, IT, Insurance, Financial and Health Care sectors in Ontario and Canada. We help a plethora of industries in a variety of business sectors, and we can help you too!

“Hiring Ray and Writing Web Words was the best decision I ever made for my clients.”

“Ray and his team offer innovative SEO solutions in today’s competitive digital world and what’s even better is that his firm’s rates are very affordable.”

– Paul Fitzgerald

Owner of Salt & Pepper Media Inc.

Salt and Pepper Logo.

“I feel like I have a partner in my business who really cares about my success.”

“Writing Web Words’ performance has yielded the very best results I experienced over the many years I’ve dealt with SEO companies. When I say results I’m talking about going from the bottom of Google’s search pages to the top 3 and within three to six months!”

- Bill Bender

President of Independent Motors Ltd.

IM logo.

Ready to Rank Higher?

With the right website writer, your business will be at the forefront of search engine results – taking you and your company farther than ever before. Get in touch with us today to start laying the foundation for your business’s online success.

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