Congratulations Ana – Bootcamper of the Program for March, 2012!

Congratulations to Ana – from the ES location!

I have been a Body Buster member since January of 2011.  The thing I love most about the program is being pushed to my limit.  When I think I’ve got nothing left, not one more rep, not one more burpee or lunge, I do have something left, one last exercise to empty the tank. I also love how everyone is doing the same exercises but we are all challenging ourselves in different ways.

I just renewed my membership for one more year.  I cannot imagine not being a member now.  I thrive on the energy in the gym with the group I work out with.  We all push and encourage each other. Even though workdays are long and I sometimes feel tired and drained on bootcamp nights, after completing the class I always feel so much better.  I have more energy and I’m always glad I made it to class.  Because of Body Buster I am healthier in mind and body.  I have always been active and have been a member of a few gyms. I have always used exercise, either running or cycling, as my stress reliever. Bootcamp keeps me sane, zaps my negative energy and replaces it with positive energy.  I know that physically I am stronger but more importantly, bootcamp helps me deal with stress.

I remember my very first Monday clearly.  We did tons of squats and lunges.  I didn’t walk that whole first week.  Basic movements were impossible.  Thanks to Kara and Body Buster I have made huge gains.  The workouts are tough, but just the right amount of tough.  She knows how to push us and still make us believe that we can do more.  I have made the most gains with the ball.  Ball classes for me are really hard.  I mean really, who runs with an exercise ball above their heads?  WE DO!  My core is stronger and my upper body is much stronger.  Push ups were my nemesis, now I just say, “Bring ‘em on!”

So, thanks Kara and the Body Buster Team for this honour.  I am looking forward to many more programs and many more classes.

Body Buster would like to congratulate you on your accomplishment!

Click here to view Ana on our ‘Featured Bootcamper’ webpage!

Awesome Job!

Congratulations Jenny & James – Bootcampers of the Program for February, 2012!

Congratulations to Jenny and James – from the HP location!

James: What I like most about Body Buster Bootcamp over other types of exercising is the challenge. During some classes I feel like my heart is going to jump out of my chest and I feel I can push myself further than ever dreamed possible, and then afterward the feeling after class is amazing. The natural high and the sense of achievement can only be understood by those who have experienced it. Jenny and I often talk about this.

Over the last year I have lost over 25lbs, and I am down to a waist 36 from 40. Body Buster has also motivated me to eat healthier and think about overall health and wellness.

From all the effort and hard work I can see the result of bootcamp in many ways. It becomes part of our lifestyle; overall great feeling; better sleep; increased interest in other physical activities and helped to build my endurance.

Jenny: I like the feeling after class…..working at pure intensity and using all your muscles and pushing myself to the maximum. It makes me feel like I did a great workout.

Since starting with the program I lost 10 lbs, and I am feeling much better about myself.

I am always up for a challenge, it has helped me gain confidence, endurance and strength. For example, I love the circuit training. It allows me to go full speed and use all my force all at once with intensity. I feel healthier, stronger, and it has given me more energy in the day. Helps me get through all days and long weeks at work and as Dani says, “become feisty.”

Running is also a big part of both our lives. Both James and I run and have been running for 2 years now. Body Buster has helped us; using this as a cross training for running. It has helped us complete a half marathon in Oct 2011. We are now training for a full marathon. We love the combination of workouts, especially, interval and tabata, and of course burpees!

Furthermore, we have understood each other’s abilities and challenges and when we hit times that we feel we cannot go on we know exactly what to say to push ourselves to the next level – saying the right words at the right time or even a glance that seems to be what it takes to give that little extra push. It’s like we know what the other person is feeling and thinking. A very significant aspect of our bootcamp experience is our instructor, Dani. Dani is a very talented professional instructor, she knows how bring the balance between work and fun. But what we love the most about Dani, beyond her cute smile, is her unique ability to push us beyond our comfort zones into new territories of pain and pleasure that can only be understood by those who have experienced Body Buster Bootcamp.

As Dani words always echo in our heads, “push past the burn.”

This recognition is a great example of how Body Buster continues to motivate their clients. Thank you to Dani and the Body Buster team for this honour.

Body Buster would like to congratulate you on your accomplishment!

Click here to view James and Jenny on our ‘Featured Bootcamper’ webpage!

Awesome Job!

Congratulations Barb! You are the Body Buster Bootcamp® 2011 Bootcamper Of The Year!

Barb has been with the Body Buster Fitness® program since August 2010! Over the course of Barb’s journey with Body Buster® not only has she increased her physical well-being, but she has also developed strong relationships with fellow class members and the Body Buster Fitness® Team!

Barb has not only increased her cardiovascular endurance and developed a passion for running; she has also pushed the boundaries of her strength training in class by progressively increasing her weights – up to her current 10 lbs! Regardless of the exercise she’s asked to perform, Barb puts everything she has into it, which is a challenge in itself!

We recognize Barb’s excellence in the Body Buster® program based on her own personal fitness achievements, but also because she is a leader within our program encouraging other members to strive for improved fitness levels!
Not only has Barb’s positive attitude and dedication towards working hard been evident in each and every class in which she participates, she is always up for a challenge!

Body Buster instructors have noticed Barb, on many occasions, taking her mind and body to its absolute limit!  We could not be more proud of the commitment to improved health and increased physical fitness shown by Barb over her time in the Body Buster Fitness® program!

Everyone in the Body Buster® Team is extremely proud and happy to announce Barb as the Body Buster Bootcamp® 2011 Bootcamper of the Year!

Congratulations Barb! We know you’ll keep up the excellent work in 2012!

  —  The Body Buster Fitness® Team

Visit or call 416-619-4456 to register!

Congratulations Robin – Bootcamper of the Program for January, 2012!

Congratulations to Robin – from the HP location!

I have been a member of Body Buster since March 2011.  Since then, I have lost 30 lbs. and gone from a size 12 to a 6. I feel much stronger and have found a fun and healthy way to manage stress.

The thing I enjoy most about boot camp is how good I feel after.  It gives me a great start to my day and I feel a real sense of accomplishment when I am able to push through and complete a really tough workout. I feel so much stronger.  I’m particularly proud of the fact that when I started, I couldn’t do a burpee to save my life and now, when Huy or Kara call out “10 more burpees!”, I can do it. I find myself really missing the workouts during our week off and am eager to get started with the next program. I also love working out in High Park during the warmer months.

Regular consistent workouts have made me realize the importance of a healthy diet. To sustain my workouts and see better results, I needed to clean up my diet. Although I still fall off the clean diet “wagon” from time to time, regular workouts help me to maintain a healthy body weight and get back on track quickly so that I don’t slide back into old bad habits. Overall, I’ve seen a huge improvement in my eating habits and feel much better.

Body Buster instructors are fantastic. They have really helped me make progress by keeping the workouts challenging and fun. My instructor, Huy, has helped me improve my endurance and push past the mental barriers that could have hindered me from realizing my own strength and fitness potential.  I never feel like I’ve wasted my time. Body Buster has really helped me achieve maximum results in a minimum amount of time. That’s probably the single biggest reason I keep coming back.  I recently went from 2 to 3 mornings a week and I look forward to taking my workouts to the next level and seeing more progress in my strength and endurance in the months to come.

Thanks Body Buster!

Body Buster would like to congratulate you on your accomplishment!

Click here to view Robin on our ‘Featured Bootcamper’ webpage!

Awesome Job!

Body Buster’s got a New Groove – and a New Video! Check it out!

Body Buster Fitness has released a new fun “anthem” – to go along with our new video on the Body Buster Fitness Program!

Check it out – and pass the link ( along to your friends and family to show them what the program is all about! They can see the kinds of things you do each time in class! Show them how hard you’ve been working and how fun fitness can really be.

Body Buster Fitness Program


Visit for more information, registration, pictures, pricing, contact info and testimonials!

Congratulations Sandy – Bootcamper of the Program for November, 2011!

Congratulations to Sandy – from the EW location!

I have been a Body Buster member since August 2010. I initially joined for a month to see if I would even be able to do this. The first month was very challenging but with the encouragement of other members, who looked great and where long-time members I took the plunge and signed up for the full year. Sept 2011 rolled around and I did it again and signed up for another year!  Joining Body Buster is one of the best things I’ve done for myself in a very long time!

What I really enjoy most about the program is that there is someone there to encourage and motivate me, as I really need this.  Huy, our instructor ensures we are doing our exercises correctly so as not to have injuries and pushes us when he knows we are able to give more. I am really surprised by my own abilities, especially when you hear that little bit of encouragement to not give up, just hearing that makes you push ahead to give that extra and fight through to complete those “Last Ten”.

I am very happy with my results.  I am much more toned and have seen a dramatic improvement in my overall strength, endurance and flexibility.

I have chosen to continue with Body Buster as I do work better with a schedule and having weekly scheduled classes’ keeps me committed, engaged and on track. I do my best to ensure I  schedule my make up classes otherwise I feel guilty and disappointed that I didn’t get in my 2 weekly workouts.  Becoming more active and physically fit has made a huge difference in my life. I am much more energetic, sleep better and am able to handle day to day stressful situations in a much more clear and constructive manner. Although I am hot, tired and sweaty at the end of each class, I still have that great feeling of accomplishment and that makes you want more. The different fitness levels of the individuals in our class is a benefit as well. It is great to have someone who is stronger than you in certain areas as this motivates me to continually push myself. It is also nice to encourage others that may not be at your level and to eventually see them succeed and celebrate their success with them.  I do appreciate the encouragement, support and motivation I get from my instructor Huy.  He is always available before or after class to discuss personal concerns with us or just give us some advice on how to build upon the progress we have seen so far.

In terms of my overall health, I feel stronger both mentally and physically.  Not only do I see the results others have noticed as well. I have gained more confidence in myself, am more energetic and stronger than ever before.  I am proud of what I have accomplished over the last 15 months.  My health was starting to impact my ability to participate in some of those winter activities that I love, especially skiing. I can hardly wait to put on my skis to see the effect of these positive changes.

Since becoming a member of Body Buster I have been reminded of the importance of an active lifestyle for overall well-being and that you must take the time yourself to ensure this happens. I find I now have a more positive attitude to working out and getting into shape.  At times it is difficult to drag my butt to class especially when I am not feeling 100%, but by the end of class I am sure glad I did. The motivation and support from both my instructor and my class members have made the difference for me as I am not always able to do this on my own and would definitely not push myself to the level that I do.

Thank you Body Buster for keeping me motivated and my body challenged with a variety of interesting and fun workouts.

Body Buster would like to congratulate you on your accomplishment!

Click here to view Sandy on our ‘Featured Bootcamper’ webpage!

Awesome Job!