Independent Schools Victoria champions choice and diversity

Our Purpose

For students.
For schools.
For independence.

Since 1949, Independent Schools Victoria (ISV) has been dedicated to diversity and choice in education.

Through advocacy and support, we help families access schools that match the needs and values of every student.

Learning events

Wednesday 7 August

Decolonising your library

Transform your classroom or school library into a source of respectful and inclusive information for teachers, students and community members.

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Starts Thursday 8 August

Revitalising Teaching: A neuroscience approach for educators

Transform your classroom and enhance teaching impact and learning, optimise schedules and motivate students - with Andrew Fuller and Dr Stephen Brown.

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Wednesday 9 October

Rainbow Reflections 101: An introduction into LGBTQIA+ inclusive pedagogy and practice

Create a safer, more inclusive school and classroom environment for LGBTQIA+ students and their families.

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