Crag X Climbing Gym Release and Waiver

The following information will be used to complete a document that you will read and then sign. Please complete the following form to create the document. You can preview the document you will be signing

This is the full legal name of the person participating in any activities. If the participant is a minor, the form must be signed by a parent or legal guardian. We are happy to interact with you using your chosen name - the law requires that waivers are signed using legal identity.
Participant Legal Name

First Name *

Middle Name

Last Name *

Preferred Name
Date of birth of the participant, not the person signing the waiver.
Participant Date Of Birth *
Email Address (For a Minor, use Guardian's email) *

Participant Address

Address *

City *

Province *

Postal Code *

Phone Numbers *

Home Phone

Work Phone

Cell Phone
We pinkie swear we'll only send you really great offers and invitations to climbing events! Your email address is sacred to us. We'll NEVER share it.
Can we email you great deals a couple of times a year? *

Emergency Contact

Emergency Contact First & Last Name *

Emergency Phone *


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Do not print this page. Please complete the form and follow the steps.