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I've decided to give the "subscription" model a chance. I've come up with 3 tiers, with a some additional "packages" to go along with them. Tier monthly: this tier will cost $10 a month and will allow to run any of my available apps on one site. if you need for multiple sites, you can buy additional uses for $5 a month.* Tier Quarterly:  this tier will cost $25 every 3 months and will allow to run any of my available apps on one site. if you need for multiple sites, you can b



By Michael, in General,

Would anyone be interested in me doing my work as a streaming session? like a few hours a week, just having me talk about what i'm doing, get an idea of what i do, how i do it and possibly why i do it.  it would give you all a chance to see a progress of an app/development and get to know me as i'm sure i will try to make it entertaining, with stories and jokes and what not. let me know what you all think about this idea. 

I am curious should I update the wsl2 guides i have on the site, they are a few years old and are on windows 10. windows 11 changed a few things and the guide will work for windows 11, but the video isn't all that great. even tho i provide the text and links i use in the video, the biggest complaint i get is i didn't zoom in on the terminal window so they could see what i was typing in. so if i was to redo the video, i would make sure to zoom in the terminal and offer a more comprehensive settin

Recently I've replaced Github's copilot with tabbyml. it is an opensourced, locally run ai assistant. it works fairly well, it does have some limits and its not quite as good as github's copilot. but imho it has several advantages over copilot and other ai assistants for coding. the biggest benefit to me is that it is free and offers most of the features the other do. the second is the privacy of my data, it doesn't feed back to the models as i understand it, so your code is safe. https://t


Update 2

By Michael, in General,

I'm still around and kicking, just been busy getting everything ready. been working on the new apps, along with some wordpress plugins too.  I've created a discord channel, it's usually on on my phone/tablet/pc, so if you want, come join. let me know who you are and all that   https://discord.gg/cRc5u9G



By Michael, in General,

I wrote at the first of the year i might have some news to share with you all. I've decided to come back partially to IPS development, and re-release some of my bigger apps.  Bringing Back: Stratagem Formularize    these are the two apps i'll bringing back very soon. Possibly New Apps: Meals - This will be a "recipe" app. it will allow you to define ingredients, build recipes (with measurements), so you can create a daily/weekly/monthly meal menu that



By Michael, in General,

Where to begin, i thought 2020 was a bad year, but so far 2021 has turned out to be a pretty bad year as well. the year started off with loosing my business, and having to find a new job. then i got the flu, and it took me down for several weeks, and then in early may, i was attacked by a cat on my leg. I kept the wound clean and all seemed to be going fine. it barely hurt, there was no discoloration, there was some slight swelling but it "seemed" fine. then about a week after the attack, a


Demo Request and Site Url's

By Michael, in General,

When you request a demo key, the process requires you to be registered member of the site and for you to enter your site URL. It is important that you enter your site url or other wise the demo will not work, as babble will use your site's url as an identifier when it connects to the chat service. Now i don't harvest the URL's or even keep them in a human readable format, I use a hashing algorithm. My goal is to keep as much identifying information off my servers as possible, in case o

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