Safe Rail Communities is hosting a Rail Safety Town Hall


Please join Safe Rail Communities for a discussion on rail safety in our community.

With panelists Ali Asgary (Associate Professor, York University, Disaster & Emergency Management), Tony Edmonds (Scientist, former civil servant with Ontario and Canadian governments), and Keith Stewart (Climate & Energy Campaigner, Greenpeace Canada).

Central YMCA Auditorium, 20 Grosvenor, Toronto (Yonge and Wellesley). Friday, August 21, 7:30 – 9:30pm.



Here are a few corrections for the July issue of The Westside’s Story:

– July 4: The Family Nature Walk is cancelled

– Mondays: Kundalini Yoga at Annette Library is finished for the season.

– Toronto Fiddle Collective is also taking a summer break.

– July 26: Lambton House opens at noon, not 10am.
