"In suffering, you’ve found a greater understanding and appreciation for all of life’s wonders. You’re still trying to believe it every day. One morning you convince yourself it will all be worth it, the next you’re down and believe it all to be worthless."
Connor Franta, Note To Self (via ann-fortunately)

(via ann-fortunately-deactivated2018)


“tmrw magazine”

“instagram: deserella


“Own every aspect of who you are and present it to the world with the utmost pride.”

- Connor Franta

“🥀Note to self by @connorfranta 🥀
“aesthetically pleasing af
“currently reading // “Note to Self” by @connorfranta


A Summer Road Trip

well that’s it for me, folks. thanks for chatting and have a wonderful day ♡
how to deal with moments of feeling empty?
asked by way2messy

when you’re feeling empty, you have to remind yourself of the things that make you feel full; the things that make your heart sing and your face glow. if you can’t think of many, well then, you’re in luck! you have years and years to find more. hang in there you beautiful being you x

Favourite art museum?

man ‘the broad’ in los angeles is so hard to beat. visually stunning inside and out.

is cheesecake a cake or a pie


Tacos or burritos?
asked by Anonymous