Address Change Logo
Change Your British Columbia Address
If you are moving within British Columbia, you can use Address Change BC to update your personal and/or business records with provincial and local government organizations in seven easy steps.
Process Status Bar
1 - Type
of Address
2 - Who
Needs to Know?
3 - Your
Old Address
4 - Your
New Address
5 - Additional
6 - Submit
7 - Confirmation

Step 1 - Type of Address
What type of address are you changing? Is it your home or business? Is it a corporation, sole proprietorship, general partnership or an incorporated society?

British Columbia Corporation
Update your address with BC Registry Services, Canada Revenue Agency, Industry Canada, local governments and/or WorkSafeBC.
Type Arrow Corporation
Sole Proprietorship
If you wish to update your sole proprietorship address with BC Registries, please visit the BC Business Registry . To change your address with other agencies, please contact them directly.
General Partnership
If you wish to update your general partnership address with BC Registries, please visit the BC Business Registry . To change your address with other agencies, please contact them directly.
Incorporated Society
If you wish to update your society Registered Office address with BC Registries and other agencies, please visit Societies Online.

  • Only residents and companies moving within British Columbia can use this service. If you or your company are coming here from elsewhere, or if you are moving out of British Columbia, please contact each government agency directly to find out about obtaining or cancelling services.
  • If both your home and your business are moving, you must complete the Address Change process twice - once for each notification.

For more information:

Personal information is collected by the Ministry of Technology, Innovation and Citizens' Services under section 26 (d) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and will be used to update your address with the organizations you select. The selected organizations may also use your email address to contact you for the purposes of processing your address change. If you have any questions regarding this collection please contact the Privacy Helpline at 250 356-1851, PO Box 9431 Stn Prov Govt, Victoria BC V8W 9V3.