Not all workplace injuries are visible.

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Create psychologically safe workplaces
woman putting knew brace on at the breakfast table.

Create a safe, healthy return to work after a workplace injury.

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Stay safe on the water this fishing season.

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PFD with the words Wear it for the ones who wouldn't know what to do without you.

Better safety means better care. Make the connection.

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Long-term care worker assisting patient

Young Worker Safety

Summer means an influx of young workers in workplaces across Nova Scotia. However, this season also sees a rise in workplace injuries among these young workers. We have tips and tools to keep them safe at work.

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Internal Responsibility System 

As an employer or a worker in Nova Scotia, you have legal rights to keep you safe on your job.

Find out what they are

Safety Matters blog posts

Safety Matters Blog

  • How to stay safe in the sun this summer
    Posted 3 days ago
    As the sun shines brighter and warmer, more outdoor work gets underway and Nova Scotians get out to enjoy the nicer weather. Sun Safety Month serves as a reminder to take proactive steps to prevent sunburn, reduce the risk of skin cancer and many other sun-related conditions.
  • 13 Factors: Fostering a mentally healthy workplace
    Posted 3 weeks ago
    “I care about the psychological safety of my team, but I’m not sure what to do to protect them.” We’re hearing statements like that often. Especially as workplace leaders learn that gradual onset psychological injuries will soon become compensable.

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Get the resources you need to make your workplace a physically and psychologically healthy and safe one.

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