London Heritage Council

Giving a voice to our past.


About Us

The London Heritage Council (LHC)is a not-for-profit cultural heritage organization. Throughout its 17-year history, LHC has worked to support London's heritage sector through advocating for the critical role that cultural and heritage institutions play in our cities, provinces, and country. LHC strive to enable Londoners to connect to the history of the Forest City, through a host of programs and events, and aid heritage sites to further develop and promote their businesses. London Heritage Council provide opportunities for the public to explore these locations and discover more about our rich cultural history. We create safe spaces to connect the community with those who wish to display their culture and heritage, skills, and passions through free-to-attend family-friendly city events.

LHC works in partnership with City of London Culture Services and is uniquely positioned within the community to facilitate communication between the municipality and the broader public. Londoners have saved lives, explored space, and changed the world. Our museums and heritage organizations share these amazing stories, showing why the past is very much alive in our present

Though LHC is sometimes mistaken for the organization to contact in relation to the restoration of heritage buildings or homes across the city, that is not within our purview.


To bring Londoners together to celebrate our shared stories.


A commitment to advocacy, outreach, and a continued duty to find new ways to connect Londoners with their heritage.


Why does heritage matter?

Culture is a $540,000,000 industry in London. Museums and heritage sites educate, inspire, and give Londoners new reasons to love their community. The London Heritage Council exists to help cultural and heritage organizations to find new, innovative ways of connecting with their community. Check out the information below to explore the impact that culture and heritage have in the London region.

Did you know?

Culture is a great investment - every $60 invested by the City of London into the cultural sector sees a $1,475.00 return?

Did you know?

Nearly 1 in 3 Londoners visited a local museum or heritage site last year?

Did you know?

With 15 museums/heritage sites, London has more museums per capita than Toronto or Ottawa?


“Nearly 1 in 3 Londoners visited a museum last year.”

-Data provided by the London Cultural Prosperity Plan

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London's Museums, Heritage Sites & Organizations

From discovering medical heroes of the Canadian Medical Hall of Fame, to finding your inner child at the London Children's Museum, there's something for everyone at a London museum or heritage site. Click the images below to learn more.


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