James W. Brown

About the author

I'm a former ghostwriter, who decided that writing for myself was the way to go. I currently write non-fiction/fiction for the Kindle marketplace. Since I am experienced at researching material, it only made sense to write non-fiction books on topics that really interest me and hopefully help readers. I started writing large scale PLR projects in 2018, focusing on health and fitnness, plus self development. As of 2021, I have written 22 non-fiction ebooks in those categories, which are sold on internet marketing platforms As far as fiction goes, well I have been reading since I was four years old. My mother loved to tell the story about my Grade one teacher. It seems this teacher called my mother one day and told her that I could not read. The year was 1960/61 and the big book in school was "Dick and Jane." Quite simple really...see Jane run, see Jane run after the ball and all that. Well my mother was in shock and told the teacher that I was probably just bored. It seems that by the age of 4, I was reading the daily newspaper and would read the advice column out loud to my mother and ask her what advice she would have given. I went on to driving our local library nuts by checking out 10 books a day. I figure in my life time so far, I have read well over 10,0000 books as it takes me about 2.5 hours to read a book. I have a lot of interests, so one fiction character, Rider Bradbury...readers will find snippets of my life. For instance, a background in martial arts, self-taught, private lessons and finally a brown belt in hard combat hapkido. I earned that belt at the age of 50 and had to give up due to injuries. Oh and of course a love of everything Asian. The food, the art and yummy...the women. I consider myself extremely lucky to be married for 21 years so far, to my lovely wife, Thu. When you see the cover of my short story, Blue-Ringed Octopus Delight, you are viewing my wonderful wife. I've ventured into horror/ghost story fiction as it allows me to construct the type of stories I like to read, such as Mr. King and Peter Straub. I don't read a lot of horror myself but never miss anything those guys write. Well, I really must get back to writing. Talk to you soon. Best Regards, James W Brown

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