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Live Auction


Each grade level at Jamison has created two auction pieces for our live auction.  These items are created by kids and are up for bid.  If you are looking for something sentimental and symbolic of your child's elementary school years, you'll want to be at our live auction.  The cost of the items is priceless...

Silent Auction


We have a basket for every ocassion.  Each grade level worked together to create themed baskets.  There is something for everyone ...


Mrs. Copeland directs our chorus in a grand opening ceremony full of pomp and circumstance.


Student perfromers will also be setting up shop throughout the hallowed halls of Jamison Elementary school to create a more personal touch...

What about the proceeds?

All of the proceeds from The Art Gala will support Jamison’s global, local, and school communities.





How much does it cost to get in?
Yard Sale


Grubs Ecology is bringing a refreshing contrast to the refined culture and class of the evening by sponsoring an old fashioned yard sale.  All of our items are upcyled.  That means we take old and unwanted items and repurpose them into treasure. 

All students must be accompanied by an adult.

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