With Them

A Ukraine documentary

Mexican child smiling







A tale of two hungers

Physical poverty

Three billion people find themselves in poverty, unable to meet basic human needs, lacking shelter, clothing, water, and food.

Spiritual poverty

The Western world is blessed with unprecedented material wealth. But lives of excess have left people hungry for more.


With Them

A Ukraine documentary

With Them is a documentary that follows Hungry For Life's emergency relief efforts during two years of war, efforts made possible by a 20 year relationship built with our friends and partners in Ukraine.
Watch the film
With Them

Change powered by a global community

The world’s problems are overwhelming, but together we can change lives.

From churches and community groups to businesses and charities, Hungry For Life connects groups hungry to help communities in need.


We believe in fostering lasting relationships through direct engagement that results in life change.

Fraser Valley Group / Simple Churches

Fraser Valley Group - April 2024


Six team members from the Fraser Valley Group are traveling to the Ukraine to support the ongoing emergency relief efforts. They will meet with partners in the country who they have known for years in order to support and encourage them through prayer and spending time together. In addition they will be spending time with 50-60 parents of fallen soldiers as well as hosting a week of rest and spiritual retreat for social workers and then a week of the same for pastoral couples. The team plans to support these partners by providing a retreat and time of rest for them away from their daily lives. Follow along to learn more!


Where we work

Aside from the below countries, we also work in a few closed-access nations.

Projects spotlight

Powerful stories from around the globe. Read about life-changing work that tackles physical and spiritual poverty.

House construction

House construction

Due to the combination of poverty and a series of hurricanes and earthquakes, many people live in dilapidated houses or dwell in homes with mud floors and no proper latrines; the latter two are breeding grounds for diseases. In Caiman and its surrounding villages, approximately 40% are without adequate housing, and many displaced families from the Port-au-Prince earthquake do not have homes.

United Christian International has already improved the lives of 24 families by building new homes and replacing 156 mud floors with concrete. They plan to provide as many well-constructed homes as possible for families in the communities in which they work.

Teacher support

Teacher support

Manna4life has been providing education since 2014 to 120 and 160 students per year. Initially, it was with the Mango Tree School (which our partners operated), but it was beyond their means to continue in this fashion. Manna4life partnered with another private Christian school a few kilometers away and transfered all the students to the new school. Initially, the transition went well as the school hired all the teachers from the Mango Tree School.

When the global pandemic hit, many challenges began to arise. The schools were closed and then reopened about 6 times in 2020 with many of the graduates not being able to complete last year's grade levels until the end of December. Each time the schools closed there was a drop in attendance due to a couple of reasons. Some students needed to work for their families as many parents lost their income due to cutbacks at garment factories. Also, some families moved away looking for work, and some students of working-age also dropped out. Mann4life tried to counter this in many ways as they met with families individually and as a group to determine what needs had to be met in order to keep their children in school. This led to a few changes in the way the ministry provided support; they included providing food, offering additional subsidies for children's tuition, and tutoring students who were falling behind because of the school closures.

In 2021 there were 65 students supported almost entirely through donations. Funds go towards students' tuition, transportation, food program, and teacher support.

Staff Support

Staff Support

By assisting in operational expenses, ATEK carries out their mandate to serve God and their fellow man. ATEK seeks to contribute to the holistic and self-sustaining development of Quechua communities by providing training and developing tools that will aid in evangelization and in strengthening Quechua families, churches and communities.

ATEK Building

ATEK Building

The third level of the ATEK building has been completed. This required finishing the remaining 3 rooms, 4 bathrooms, 1 dining room, and 1 kitchen. This includes plumbing, electrical, floors, painting, windows, and doors. With an average of 60 people coming from various surrounding villages there is currently not enough space to accommodate them. Completing the third level provided ATEK the ability to properly host the large number of people coming to be trained.

The fourth and final level of the ATEK building is now being built! It will be used as an independent apartment for missionary couples who come to serve and assist the ministry.

Church Construction

Church Construction

Pastor Victoriano was born and raised in the district of San Juan in an area called Chivoc. Chivoc is an area of about 8,000 people. The average income in this area is about 400Q per family per month. This is the equivalent of about $70cad/month. The people in this area struggle with hopelessness and are often tempted by alcohol.  Pastor Victoriano struggled with alcohol addiction himself until a ministry came to Chivoc and shared a movie about Jesus. Pastor Victoriano was 27 years old at this point and he quickly gave his life to the Lord and has not had a drink since then. He has now been a Christian for over 30 years. 22 years ago, Pastor Victoriano felt God calling him to start a church. The church is called Iglesia Evangelica Asuncion. After many years of meeting the church finally bought land in 2018. Even as Pastor Victoriano works hard to pastor this church he supports himself by working fulltime at a textile factory. The congregation is now 40 people strong and they have constructed a tin building where they regularly worship. Unfortunately tin, while an affordable building material, makes for some very, very warm services. The church members have already donated enough money to dig holes and purchase supplies for the footings of their new permanent building.

Staff support

Staff support

In 2019, after 5 years of running ONYX and training our partners and staff in facilitation and lesson design, Dove is producing a curriculum, as requested by partners, colleagues, and students. We are in the process of phasing out 2 DOVE satellites and encouraging a more grassroots approach by training ONYX alumni to run the ONYX program in their contexts.

Tikva School Build

Tikva School Build

In 2018, the Fuego volcano erupted, killing hundreds of people and damaging the homes of even more. Survivors from the three communities most affected by the eruption were relocated to the city of Escuintla. Initially, the government provided assistance such as food, clothing, and trauma therapy. However, over time, governmental aid has gradually diminished. Through this project, AMG aims to continue providing poverty aid, education, access to psychologists, and medical care. They are renovating a number of donated containers to establish a school for this community. This building will serve not only children through the education program but also many of the women who lost husbands in the volcano by offering various skills training programs, including tailoring and gardening.

Casa Esther

Casa Esther

The primary ministry is Casa Esther, a safe house for teen and pre-teen girls that provides a family setting on the premises of El Refugio. These are young women who have been rescued from situations of violence, abuse, neglect, and/or prostitution/trafficking.

At Casa Esther the desire is to provide a safe, supportive, and loving environment where abandoned and at-risk children and teens are given the opportunity to obtain an education, receive counseling to resolve the pain they have suffered, learn invaluable life skills, and receive biblical training to help each individual grow and develop towards their full potential physically, emotionally, educationally, and spiritually. Case Esther helps them become upstanding citizens who love God and can affect change in their communities!

The goal of the project is to provide the girls with a large classroom upstairs where they can do their homework and tutoring. A conference rooms, a small chapel/counseling room, a physical education room, and offices are also parts of the expansion project. The downstairs area will have a large kitchen divided into two areas so the girls can be taught cooking and baking skills.

House construction

House construction

Many people in the community live in severely dilapidated homes put together with scrap pieces of tin, plywood and bamboo. When the heavy rains come each year, homes are often severely damaged, and the roofs leak. The typhoon in 2019 devastated hundreds of homes and left many more people in desperate living conditions.

Strong Roots Ministry began addressing the housing and poor living conditions within their community by assessing the needs, and as funding permits, coming alongside families to assist in repairing and rebuilding their homes.

man smiling around kids - Hungry For Life (HFL) is a non-profit based out of Chilliwack BC, Canada that works alongside churches, community groups & businesses to reach out to global communities in need, help transform lives, fight extreme poverty, and end needless suffering. Moving People Towards Life.

Spiritual vibrancy through worldwide compassion

Helping you to have a direct global impact by:

Listening to your priorities

We listen to what's important to your group and find a suitable, global partner.

Building a plan

We work alongside you to build a custom international partnership plan.

Engaging with communities

We help you go and engage in the world.

Changing others’ lives will change your own

Our organization connects people together through meaningful long-term projects, bringing about physical and spiritual change.

Ready to change lives?

With a few clicks, you can make a financial difference in the fight against global poverty. Making a contribution is simple, yet impactful.

Connect your church or group with a community and start something that will inspire others to enact lasting change in the world.

Hungry For Life (HFL) is a non-profit based out of Chilliwack BC, Canada that works alongside churches, community groups & businesses to reach out to global communities in need, help transform lives, fight extreme poverty, and end needless suffering. Moving People Towards Life.