Preschool Graduation

Charlie graduated from preschool today:

It was a pretty fancy event; at least a hundred parents and grandparents attended the ‘ceremony’, which consisted of a couple of musical performances by each class, then diplomas being awarded to each graduate:

Charlie’s class sang one song, and performed ‘5 Green and Speckled Frogs’ on their instruments.  You can check out the mayhem in this video (listen for the twins’ shrieks in the background):

Unluckily for us, the ceremony started at 1pm, which is also the boys’ typical naptime.  I fed them a picnic lunch in the park before we went, but they were not impressed with having to delay their nap (although they did clap nicely along with the rest of the audience).  When they got too restless and miserable, I brought them over to the preschool’s indoor playground, which was a big hit.  See if you can spot Eli and William:

To make our day even more exciting, we had just arrived home from Charlie’s graduation when the phone rang; it was our friends Leah and Ondrej, who are driving from Halifax to Ontario to their new house in Guelph.  Their kids are almost the same age as ours (Luka is 6 months younger than Charlie, and Malin is exactly 3 months younger than our twins), and the two girls immediately rekindled their friendship over dress-up clothes in Charlie’s disaster of a bedroom (that’s Malin in the blue shirt):

Now it’s 4pm, the boys are still sleeping, Charlie is having ‘quiet time’ in her room, and I am taking a moment to relax.  My husband is in Halifax today at a conference, and we won’t see him again until we arrive in London, England on Saturday morning.  My mum arrives at dinner time today, which is a huge relief – it’s a lot of work parenting solo, even just for one day! 

Feeling hot, hot, hot

We’ve been suffering through a heat wave for most of the past week; temperatures today are supposed to hit 41C (with the humidity) and since we don’t have air conditioning, our apartment is at least as hot as it is outside.  During the day, we’ve been spending lots of time at the shady, breezy secret park, where the heat is more bearable.  Nighttime is more challenging – no one is sleeping well, and today my mission is to go out and find fans for all our bedrooms.

This morning, I brought Elijah and William over to their friend Ayden’s house so they could play in his backyard.  We broke out the hose and stripped all three boys down, and they had a blast:

Ayden’s mother, Gail, thrilled my boys with her bubble machine:

William looking pensive (worn out from running around the garden for 2 hours):

The boys loved being outside and playing with the water – we don’t have a backyard of our own, so this was a novel experience for them.  When we look for a house next year, a garden will be at the top of our list of requirements!

In other news, Charlie is getting freckles:

Now that it’s June, we’ve been winding down all our activities.  Playgroup for the twins is over, as are Charlie’s soccer and swimming classes at the Y, and her preschool ‘graduation’ is on Thursday.  Here’s a short video of Charlie’s last indoor soccer ‘game’ – she’s playing defence, which mostly seems to involve waving and pointing at me, doing a pirouette, then looking grumpy when the other team scores a goal:

We leave for England on Friday night, but my husband leaves for a conference in Halifax on Thursday morning, so we’re well into packing mode these days.  We’re all very excited about seeing family and doing the tourist thing with the kids, but right now I’m most looking forward to escaping this heat and humidity.


Conversations with a four-year-old

Yesterday, walking to the secret park with the twins, Charlie and I had the following conversation:

Me: Charlie, you have only six more days at preschool, then it’s all done!

Charlie: Then I’m in Kindergarten!

Me: Yes! But not right away – first, we have the summer.

Charlie: Yes. First, we go on a plane to England, then it’s summer, then I go to Kindergarten!

Me: Yup. Are you excited to go to England? 

Charlie: Yes, but you know, I’ve went one time before, with Leo and Thomas and all my preschool friends…

Me: Hmm. Really? When was that?

Charlie: Oh, it was before the dinosaurs.

Me: Uh huh.


Charlie: Sometimes, I like to tell stories.

Me: I noticed that.

It’s funny how conversations with her start off so rational, and take these odd little turns into fantasy… I was impressed that she was aware (and willing to admit!) that she was leaving reality behind – she usually sticks staunchly to her version of the ‘facts’, no matter how outlandish.

Here she is showing off her new window display, courtesy of my Mum.  I was amused that she organized the sea creatures so tidily:

It’s true that we’re going to England – we leave next Friday, and I have many, many things to do before we get on that plane.  My lucky husband gets to avoid flying with our 3 small children – he’s going to a conference in Halifax on Thursday, June 12th, then flying directly to London.  Charlie has her preschool graduation that day, then my parents will be arriving and we’ll be flying together on… Friday the 13th. 

2 important questions

I have only two things to say:

1. How cute is Charlie sitting on her Grandma’s lap?

2. Why can’t my boys eat lunch like human beings instead of monkeys?

Elijah (in the green bib) started it, but William followed his lead with gusto.  Sigh.

Grandma visiting

 My mother has been staying with us for the weekend, and we’ve been strategizing for our upcoming trip to England (less than 2 weeks until we leave! yikes!)… It’s a bit frightening how much equipment we need to bring/rent for the twins.  

 We’ve had cool and rainy weather so far this weekend – yesterday morning it was raining so hard that gardening was cancelled.  Instead, my mum and I brought the kids to the annual Westmount Family Fair.  The rain forced them to cancel some of the most exciting events (petting zoo, pony rides, parade), but they managed to move all the bouncy castles inside the arena:

We let the boys run free, and Charlie had a ball trying out the various bouncy structures:








We had lunch at home, then while the boys and Grandma napped, Charlie and I headed over to the YMCA for a birthday party… specifically, a swimming, Lego birthday party:

Charlie knew everyone at the party from preschool, and she had a fabulous time bobbing around in the pool (that’s her in the life jacket) and playing Lego-themed games.  The bar is set pretty high for birthday parties around here – Charlie already has some pretty definite ideas of what she wants for her next party, and her birthday’s not till December.  She also has a habit of inviting everyone she meets (at the park, or wherever) to her birthday party, so we may have to rent a hall to fit all her guests…

 Today, my mum and I hit the NDG park between the early-morning rain and the lunchtime rain.  Here she is helping Elijah up some stairs:

William found a little matchbox car, and refused to let go of it, no matter how awkward that made climbing on the playground equipment:

Grandma brought Crocs for the boys, and they’re a big success so far.  Hopefully they’ll fit all summer – they’re such perfect playground shoes for kids.  I’m assigning different colours of shoes/outwear to each boy, so that William will always be in blue, and Elijah will wear red.  It certainly helps their big sister, who otherwise can’t tell them apart at all.

Here are the colour-coded twins in a rare moment of sharing the same space at the playground: