LDA Montgomery County

LDA Maryland Map

Montgomery County is the primary of 24 counties in Maryland, therefore much of the information presented is localized to Montgomery County.

Please visit the “parent” organization for more information by clicking the links above.

HangOut Hive Social Group

The Hangout Hive is a group of people over 21 years old with different disabilities that do fun activities
in the Gaithersburg, Rockville, North Bethesda, Potomac areas

The Fine Print:

LDAMC is the primary county in Maryland therefore many events and resources are targeted to this audience.  The primary website is LDAMD which is where you will see the Events and Resources located when clicking the above links.  The HangOutHive Social Group has its own dedicated website.

LDAMC is a registered 501(c)(3) Non-Profit charitable organization:  Federal= 52-6057371 State= D03874500
LDAMD is a registered Non-Profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization:  Federal= 23-7111729 State= D01025386