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Wellness Wednesday: May 29, 2024

For this week's Wellness Wednesday, let's give a big shoutout to Superman, Kevin Pillar, the Los Angeles Angels' outfielder. Kevin Pillar’s success is a shining example of the power of hard work and determination. Despite facing a setback when he was Designated For Assignment (DFA'd) just a few weeks ago, he didn't hesitate. Instead, he seized the opportunity created by Mike Trout's absence and has been on an incredible eleven-game hitting streak, batting over .430 since joining. His story is a testament to the fact that with the right mindset and effort, we can overcome any challenge. In this instance,...
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More Than Meets The Eye

I wanted to highlight vintage Kyle Wright dominating on the mound during his breakout 2022 season. What stands out is how he masterfully pitches with precision and strategy, proving that you don’t need to throw gas all the time to do the job. But there’s more to Kyle than what he does on the mound. As a mental health ambassador for the MLB Players Trust, Kyle has faced personal losses and challenges, and he transparently shares his experiences to promote mental health awareness. In honor of Mental Health Month, I wanted to recognize the importance of speaking up when struggling...
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Wellness Wednesday: May 8, 2024

The Enhanced Games aspire to usher in a new era for the Olympic Games and sports in general, where performance enhancers are not only allowed but applauded. This initiative, spearheaded by influential figures like Dr. Aron D'Souza, Christian Angermayer, and Maximilian Martin, advocates for a shift to a model where athletes are not only thoroughly compensated but also empowered to explore the boundaries of human potential through science, potentially leading to unprecedented athletic achievements. While the organization insists that athletes' safety is a priority, the very concept of openly using enhancements will not please many people. From an outsider's perspective,...
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Wellness Wednesday: May 1, 2024

Championing Beyond the Field: Ben Zobrist’s Journey from MLB Star to Empowering Leaders in SportsWe're going to dive into the most inspiring journey of Ben Zobrist, two-time World Series champion, MVP of the 2016 World Series and one of the most versatile players in the history of Major League Baseball.What's truly awe-inspiring is Ben's post-retirement venture. He established Champion Forward, an organization committed to empowering athletes to excel not just on the field, but also in life. Champion Forward's focus on self-discovery, emotional adaptability, and mental well-being addresses crucial aspects often neglected in the realm of sports.Mr. Zobrist realized that...
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Wellness Wednesday: April 17, 2024

I watched a video and was caught off guard. It's a poignant reminder of the importance of checking in on those around us. Often, the struggles someone faces aren’t visible on the surface. Simply reaching out, whether it’s a text message, a virtual high-five etc...about someone's well-being, can make a significant difference. It's about noticing small changes in demeanour and showing that you're there to support them. I've watched this video several times, and it always gets me. Behind a smile, there might be struggles we know nothing about. I encourage you to watch it—it’s an important message that we...
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