TruthVisionary Healing Diabetes

A picture of a roadmap to completely heal.

My introduction for the Yoga and Meditation Group

When the organizer (Jay Gupta) asked me to introduce myself, I gave this some deep thought and reflection. I’d like to share this with you.

If I told you I’ve worked in the I.T. (information technology) field, right from its infancy to now, and accumulated over 27 years of experience in the problem determination, diagnosis, and successful resolution of I.T. problems relating to computers and network technology, you may say that I’m just another techie.

Now, you may ask, what does this have to do with a group that discusses Yoga and Meditation?

This group, like many others, has innumerable people who manifest a wide variety of illnesses.

Most illnesses, their effects on the body and mind, and why they come into being; this can be explained by the ancient science of Kundalini energy, which is at the heart of Yoga.

Without going into that vast subject, I’d rather prefer to explain it via the analogy of I.T. related problems and their resolution and how this relates to me.

I will introduce some aspects of illnesses that I have experienced.

I share this with the intention of providing direction and solace to those who are suffering or know of someone that is.

In 2007, I experienced Acute Onset Severe Diabetes and went through a near death-like experience. This experience transformed everything I had done in the I.T. field and gave it new meaning.

The conversations that I use to have with my customers about their computer problems, now took the form of an intuitive dialog that I had with the symptoms of my body.

Everything I had learned in the I.T. field, led me to achieve innumerable, permanent solutions, and the satisfied customers that came with them. This knowledge now came to my aid and began to guide me.

Doctors said that it was incurable. Mainstream media backed this up, and Internet sites only added to the confusion!

When my physical symptoms worsened, I had no difficulty recognizing the “hardware crisis” they represented. I knew this warranted an emergency intervention by a skilled professional.

As my body deteriorated, I consulted the skilled professional inside me. In return, the logic that I used to achieve innumerable successes in the I.T. field, became louder.

Intuitive insights loudly proclaimed that my logic was correct and what the doctors were saying was all wrong!

Consequently, I found my own path to healing but that’s not all.

Since the stupendous nature of what I experienced was so profound, I began to work on sharing a “Logic for Healing” via the Internet.

I did this, despite the Internet being flooded with the purveyors of an industry, an industry that does not want people to gain a foothold on understanding and using good logic.

During the three and a half years that it took for me to build my public and private websites (, I researched over 200 years of medical archives at the University of Toronto, and much more.

However, I went from being healthy to experiencing a dreaded disease and became healthy again; like all techies that need another challenge, I went on to create more illnesses and the solutions for them!

To name just a few, I intuitively self-diagnosed (a medical diagnosis was sought only if it did no harm) a variety of symptoms and to name just a few, such as heart blockages and the sharp pain that goes with them, Severe Sciatica with excruciating pain that left me walking on my knuckles and writhing in pain no matter which position I assumed, and extremely high blood pressure.

On my path of healing, as the layers of the onion peeled away, more symptoms surfaced. Though I won’t describe them all here, I can only hint by saying I’ve mastered several that trouble a large majority of the population.

My illnesses reminded me of my high-profile customers, whose businesses suffered huge losses from I.T. failures, and simply because those could not be resolved by ordinary techies.

Every time that I created numerous illnesses, they manifested with an intensity so severe, that I could not ignore them. Like any skilled professional who knows his craft, I started to work on them, right away.

It was like being with a teacher who kept reminding me to study, study, and study!

In each case, I always regained my health.

I liken this to the famous artists that have preceded me.

Whereas their masterpieces are now with us to behold, I have practical results to behold.

I also have a deep knowing of any symptom attributed to the mind or the body.

I can connect any ‘disease’ or ‘illness’ and its related symptoms to “restoring the backup” (computer term for data storage) that contains each person’s robust health.

To one that has lost his/her treasure of a great masterpiece of art (health), the great artists like Michelangelo or Leonardo DaVinci and their prized works of art, have no meaning.

It is only when one experiences the contrast between the two poles of health and illness and then regains one’s balance, that the mysteries reveal themselves.

I perceive illnesses as not only masterful works of art but also forming a rigorous study.

In the forthcoming evolution of humankind, this rigorous study will foreshadow a time when parents will teach children how to bypass their family’s medical history.


In the context of art, my illnesses were classic portraits comparable to the world’s renowned artists.

Though I experienced these magnificient portraits personally, I can now show to others, the artist in them.

When I was in dire straits and needed somone to help me, someone whom I could trust, someone who could hold my hand, someone who could comfort me – and safely guide me back to the shores of good health, there was no one that I could find.

Since I could not find anyone, I decided to become that person and a lot more.

The renowed universities of this day and age, offer no programs of instruction similar to a “Ph.D” that one acquires from having healed. Despite this lack, I have endeavoured to create a Journal of Healing Diabetes. Similar journals ought to exist for every illness, but currently, there are none.

Despite the incredible incompetence that masquerades in the guise of ‘health-care’ and surrounds us every which way we turn, I found my way.

Unfortunately, most people are manipulated and coerced into seeking refuge in a health-care system that conditions them to see it as their saviour. The truth is quite the opposite – a patient is seen as a mere commodity in a disease-care system.

If patients were properly taught about their right to informed consent, they would possess the requisite awareness to make decisions that would keep them out of harm’s way. But that is not enough. Patients must seek out those people that have already made it through from one end and to the other.

I teach the logic, genius and learning that is involved in healing from illnesses.

Like Monica Cassani (, I offer another beacon of light.

Thank you Monica for offering your labour of love.  It may help those who value the need to become aware of the snares and the quicksand, ever-pulling them deeper into the quagmire and eventually, to the land of no return.

And many thanks to the organizer for extending this opportunity to introduce myself to the group.

This article is subject to the Public Notice posted at

By Grantor: Pritam Singh – Sunday, September 22, 2013.

A brief look at the “Types of Diabetes” from the perspective of genius and logic.

How many types of diabetes are there?

If you’ve done any reading on the Internet, you’ll come across Type 1 and Type 2.

Then, there’s the Gestational type, which only happens to women.

There are a few more.

This site describes some of them (but not all of them).

The ones not mentioned, lend themselves to more sub-classifications that medical “science” and its “theories” support.

I might mention some of those “sub-classifications” in another article.

Now here’s something to think about.

Did you know there are many types of diabetes that are beyond the classifications of the mainstream medical establishment?

Besides the kinds of diabetes that have the official sanction and make the “official list” of the diabetes industry, there are other varieties that will never make the grade.

I doubt you will ever find a website that will list any of these.

Though I will not describe what those are, one thing will always be common.

No matter what “type” of diabetes it is, and by my comparing it with the analogy of the nose, a regular nose or a crooked nose or a nose that got deformed as the result of an accident or a nose that changed shape because of the mistakes of a poorly trained face-lift surgeon, etc., remember that it cannot be cured!

No matter what “size of shape” or “the package” or of the “crookedness” that diabetes comes in, it cannot be cured!

Remember this.

Oh but my analogy of the nose is not a good one.


That’s because a nose can be fixed.

If it is crooked, it can be straightened.

If it became deformed as the result of an accident, it can be straightened.

When one uses genius and logic under the fountainhead of intelligence, noses can be fixed and so can many other things!

But this can only happen when you work with someone who has the right perspective.

If you work with the wrong kind of information that is currently held by the protagonists of the diabetes industry, the “nose” will remain deformed.

Go figure!

Creating illness from a software perspective.

This is a binary article.

It discusses two polarities.

Two opposite yet complementary kinds of information in the analogy between computers and people.

These days, when anyone talks about computers, most people understand.

When we didn’t have computers, people had no idea about them.

The development of Apple and Microsoft all started with an idea.

Everything needs an idea before it materializes into form.

Once the idea came out, imaginations ran wild.

The iPod is just one example of this.

The two major functions of a computer can be narrowed down to software and hardware.

Hardware is practically useless without the software.

Software without the hardware cannot accomplish anything.

Software continues to develop.

In fact, it is developing at a faster pace than the hardware.

Now, think of applying this to the body and diseases.

In the case of acute onset diabetes, the “hardware” provides numerous signs. These are called “complications.”

These “hardware” based signs include for example, a thirst which starts off like a snowball going down the hill.

As this snowball picks up speed, more signs come along the way. These are known as diabetic complications.

But what fuels those complications?

Is it the hardware or the software?

Our bodies closely resemble the functioning of a computer.

But they don’t exactly resemble the “hardware” and the “software.”

It is the analogy between the two that matters.

People who become ill, usually miss the signs that surface in their ‘software.’

Once their ‘hardware’ acts up, they go running to their doctor.

While most people are trained to do this instinctively and depending on the severity of the ‘hardware’ related symptoms, a visit to the Emergency Department of a hospital might just be what one should do.

But while doing this, everyone misses out on the signs their ‘software’ gave them.

In the computer analogy, treating the ‘hardware’ and never paying attention to the ‘software’ never resolves the problem.

Most techies know this.

But unlike most techies, who never go beyond troubleshooting computer and network problems, I’ve always looked further!

What’s the point of observing network crashes and never being called to fix them?

Does one usually wait for things to get worse?


If you’re a troubleshooter, you can’t fix a problem until it occurs more than twice.

Sometimes, problems are intermittent.

These are the most difficult to fix.

But once the problems become worse, they are easily identified and consequently, when paid attention to, usually get fixed.

Now, if you have an illness, who is helping you do the troubleshooting?

If it is your doctor, who graduated with degrees from the medical industry,  just keep in mind the similarity he has with a parrot.

The parrot will repeat, “Diabetes cannot be cured.”

And indeed, since he’s been taught like a parrot, it will not be cured.

Go figure.

Misdirection vs The Logic of Healing

My introduction: I am an ex-diabetic that is going public!

(Posted July 2, 2011 at

I am an ex-diabetic. I do not have diabetes anymore. I say this because it is true. I am not making this up. But you might think I am. This is because you and I and every other diabetic, lives in a world where the medical and diabetes industries say that such an achievement is impossible.
Four years ago, while I struggled with the severity of the symptoms of severe diabetes such as non-stop urination, extreme thirst and a hunger that would not go away and many other symptoms (I’ve described them on my website), little did I know that I had to fight the onslaught of medical information, too.
While witnessing many symptoms that occurred in rapid succession and with such brutal force, I knew I was dying. I was losing weight fast. As I observed my physical body wither away, my intuition guided me along my journey to health.
At the time, I had no idea that I was the target of misdirection. But, I do know now. From the perspective of having completely healed and having done the research, I can tell you that the enormity of the misdirection is quite vast.


I am offering my fellow diabetics, a small glimpse of the enormity of this misdirection at my public website. I am throwing out a life jacket for people whom the medical system guarantees will drown in the sea of incurability. If you can grasp some of the logic that I introduce your mind to, then you will be way ahead of other diabetics who will never have a clue that one can completely heal as I did. To fully appreciate and benefit from what I present, you must develop the skill of discerning the truth amidst all the deception.
For those that feel inspired to visit my website, I sternly warn any prospective reader that my information will go entirely against what the medical system teaches. There is a reason for this.
For more than 200 years, the medical establishment has never had a clue on how all forms of diabetes and many so-called ‘incurable’ diseases can be completely healed. But they have lots of research substantiating their position that diabetes is most definitely incurable.
For one who knows like I do, a research study is not required. Like the Nike slogan, I am more interested in just doing it and becoming healthy again.
Is it not true that when we are sick, we just want to become better? It is natural for us to do this, correct? Similarly, it is just as natural for us to ensure that our children whom we love so dearly, that when they get sick, we want them to get better. We want to see them full of vitality. We want to see the smiles on their faces once again.
Just like any parent who wants to see their sick children become healthy again, I have a personal interest in seeing the faces of my fellow diabetics, become completely healed.
But when I read about diabetics setting records of having this dreaded disease for 10, 20 or even more years, and the industry gives awards to them, I know that there is something terribly wrong with that picture.
Would it ever make sense to give awards to our children whom we love so dearly, for remaining sick? Could we intend any of that suffering upon them? Of course not. We would want them to be healthy and vibrant again.

But no one in their right mind would do the opposite, would they? Oh, but they do. They are doing this to young and old, alike. Everybody is being purposely setup. Read more about those awards and then you will know what I mean.…

At my website, you can read a little bit more about what I propose for people who graduate from diabetes.

Since the beginning of June, I have gone public in a big way. I have put an ad in a free health magazine published in Toronto, Ontario, named “Vitality”– the trusted source for natural health solutions.
Because most diabetic forums have policies against what they consider as marketing and particularly in 2008, when I first wrote my articles and sent them out, a few diabetic forums were quick to label my writings as the work of a snake-oil salesman, and therefore, for that reason, I will not post my website here. I am not interested in having my voice drowned out by the protagonists and shills of the diabetic industry.
If you want more information, please contact me.
The website is:

Why do ‘chronic’ diseases exist?

I’ve spent many years in the IT industry.

IT = Information Technology.

Just over twenty-seven years to be exact.

But it is an industry that never lets you go.

It can’t do that.


Because logic is at the heart of solving every problem.

IT is founded upon logic.

I did a lot of troubleshooting on complicated computer and network problems and resolved them all.

Logic is the key that allows you to solve any problem.

Did I encounter problems that were ‘chronic’?

The answer depends upon who was running the show.

If it was an organization that was only interested in ‘fighting fires’, then the answer is yes.

For example, some companies had purchased computers from different vendors.

Those computers came in all kinds of flavours.

Some were name brand and many were clones.

From a management perspective, that was an environment for disaster and consequently, there was a lot of ‘fire-fighting’ to do.

I used to fix one computer and then another would act up.

There never was any peace for the people who had to use them.

Tensions would rise. People would get sick from all the stress.

I was always on-call.

Was there a computer that had problems with it all the time?


If a particular piece of hardware began to malfunction and wasn’t replaced in time, you could say the computer had a ‘chronic’ problem.

I would be called to attend to it.

Or, when the person who was assigned to use it, used it in a way that was not part of the company’s policy (email attachments containing viruses) this would compromise the machine.

Some companies kept a tight rein on the people that were assigned to use computers.

IT administrators would monitor their emails and in some cases, the software they had downloaded from the Internet.

This reduced but did not eliminate IT-related problems.

If that had happened, I would be without a job.

If the hardware keeps running properly, then one had to contend with the software applications.

Software and hardware are both different forms of information.

Hardware works with the software and software works with the hardware.

They are meant for each other.

As long as the machine (hardware) ran the software applications that it was designed for, everything would work the way it was designed to do.

But as we all know, the IT industry has never stayed still.

It has always been evolving.

So what used to happen?

New software would come out.

The users wanted it.

It had more bells and whistles to it.

But the computer had a life-cycle of six months.

When the new software application was installed on an old computer, it was bound to create problems.

IT administrators know all about this.

Their role is to stop ‘chronic’ problems from taking hold.

They are paid to make sure that all the computers in the company work for the employees who must use them.


Because computer downtime (when the machines don’t work), cost companies a lot of money.

In the IT industry, successful companies know how to keep abreast of all the new technology.

To ensure success, they hire an IT Manager.

A good IT Manager knows the costs and the benefits involved in the testing, acquisition, and implementation of such technology.

It is his job to ensure that the company derives the best value (bang for the buck) for their investment in IT technology.

If  ‘chronic’ problems were allowed to occur, he would be out of job.

Now, let’s apply the same logic used in the IT industry to one of the ‘chronic’ diseases, namely diabetes.

It is all about the marriage between the “prevalence” and “costs.”

“The prevalence and costs of diabetes”

“The financial burden of diabetes and its complications is enormous.

People with diabetes incur medical costs that are two to three times higher than those without diabetes. A person with diabetes can face direct costs for medication and supplies ranging from $1,000 to $15,000 a year.
By 2020, it’s estimated that diabetes will cost the Canadian healthcare system $16.9 billion a year.”

Follow the logic that exists in this ‘marriage.’

The “costs” determine the “prevalence.”

This is also the underlying logic behind the direct costs faced by a diabetic and by extension, the billions costing the healthcare industry.

Now, you know why ‘chronic’ diseases exist.

Why do people who pass tests and exams, get poor marks after disease?

I look at the world in which I grew up.

Kids go to school.

They go to kindergarten.

Sometimes, there is junior kindergarten.

What follows next?

Grade 1 and beyond.

Here in Ontario, they do not administer exams until Grade 9.

Before that, only tests are administered.

From Grade 9 onwards, the student is exposed to writing exams.

The objective is always the same.

Pass or Fail.

If you pass an exam for each subject, you graduate to the next grade.

If you fail a subject or two, you can repeat it during the summer. (That’s the way it was when I was in high school).

If the average of the marks of all the exams for all subjects for the year is below 50, you fail the grade.

What happens when you fail the grade?

You have to repeat the grade.

In today’s society, the price of education revolves around “passing” or “failing.”

It is the foundation for everyone who goes through our system of public education.

However, it is not the foundation for those people who excel at learning in ways that go beyond the neatly placed classroom containers that dispense pre-packaged ‘learning.’

What happens to the people who pass their grades?

The process is always the same:


If you finish high school, you qualify for what we are told is “higher education.”

Most people go to either college or university.

What happens while you are there?

You are expected to take courses.

Then, you are expected to pass your exams.

If you do not pass your exams, you can repeat them.

But if you consistently fail, the prospect of graduation never materializes.

Graduation is always linked to passing exams.

But what happens after you have graduated?

You have an impressive set of credentials (degrees).

Add some work experience to those ‘degrees’ that you have acquired and then you are off and running.

People say that it places new graduates on a more secure footing for them to establish their careers.

But what happens when an illness or a disease, sideswipes them?

They run to the professionals.

These would include for example, the doctors and surgeons, or other specially trained people.

These are people, who like them, went through the same process of being educated.

Everyone has graduated from one level to another.

Some have done this many times.

Quite a few of those people become good at acquiring several degrees.

But none of those ‘degrees’ qualifies them for knowing what to do with a ‘lesson’ that comes in the form of an illness or a disease.

I can still see the world in which I grew up.

It is all around me.

It has not changed.

People are expected to take courses.

Passing or failing is still the norm. They are expected to comply with this.

But when an illness or disease comes in their way, passing or failing loses all meaning.

Graduation with all of its degrees then becomes a useless toy.

Illness or disease, have ‘lessons’ to teach.

But they do not require people to pass or fail.

If that were a requirement, then for example, our hearts would have gone to university to learn how to beat.

Imagine, what would happen if they failed the exam?

There is no pass or fail in learning the ‘lessons’ that illness or disease teach.

It is learning.

Once the ‘lesson’ (or ‘lessons’) is learned well, health is restored.

A comment I posted at Scotts Diabetes that didn’t show up over there.

Comment: I’m acknowledging the link that was shared on twitter. I read your story. The website looks great! I also downloaded Taming the Tiger pdf. I read it. I do not want to offend your intelligence with my comments. However, the logic presented on your website and the book, only teaches how one can live with this disease. But that is not the logic that the intelligence that fashioned us, teaches. I have had a few different kinds of diabetes that even the medical system has no clue about. Unfortunately (according to the logic that you used and is backed up by your experiences) I never succeeded in being a diabetic. I failed. I was never as successful at remaining sick like the many people that your website informs. I must have done something wrong. Read my blog. I think you and many other diabetics have a secret that I am still trying to figure out. I say this not from the perspective of poking fun or just being sarcastic but in all sincerity and with the greatest respect. Your logic is wrong. Discover why it is so wrong by reading on my website, the link “Logic for Healing.” Take care.

Did you know there’s a secret to being a diabetic?

For the last two days, I attended the Whole Life Expo in Toronto.

Since I carry my big sign “Learn from an Ex-Diabetic” with me, I always attract diabetics.

The other day, a woman noticed my sign.

As the conversation ensued, I asked if she was a diabetic.

To that, she answered ‘yes’.

Then, I asked for how long she had it.

She replied ’30 years’.

When diabetics tell me that they’ve had it for years on end, they usually ask me what did I do to get better.

No matter what I tell them, they still seem to be perplexed.

Some of the people I meet, quickly conclude that whatever I did to get better, must be a secret.

I usually respond by saying that from my perspective of having completely healed, it didn’t take me years on end to do it.

Then I provide a few analogies.

For example, how long does it take for one to recover from a cold?

Some people say it usually takes them a few days to about a week or so.

But have you ever heard of someone having a cold for 30 years?

It’s unheard of, isn’t it?

Oh and by the way, I can hear you saying that a cold is not something that can never be cured. It isn’t labelled by the medical profession as an ‘incurable’.

Okay, so we all accept the idea that people always get better after having a cold.

I mean, if someone told you that people never get better from having a cold, do you think they were a wee bit trying to hoodwink you?

Actually, it should be the other way around.

Let me explain what I mean.

The people who have diabetes for let’s say 30 years or so, they are the ones who have the secret.

It’s a secret that really boggles my mind.

I mean, how can someone keep a disease going for that long?

If someone told me that my cold would never go away or that it would continue for years on end, do you know what I would do with them?

Well, I’ll let you figure out that for yourself.

If you are still perplexed by the fact that I completely healed, then let me know.

I envision my own Olympics for people who want to heal in record time.

So, what kind of an award would you want?

A gold, silver or a bronze?

This BLOG is subject to the following disclaimer.

Public Notice: This BLOG contains information that is offered under private trust. The information is educational in nature and is not intended to diagnose any physical or mental condition, to replace the services of a physician, or to be a substitute for the advice and treatment of a licenced professional. You should consult a physician in all matters relating to your health, and particularly in respect of any symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention. The information is provided strictly “as is” and without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. Please study and learn about your right to informed consent. Downloading from this BLOG constitutes acceptance of private trust terms. All private trust rights reserved. By Grantor: Pritam Singh.


Hello world!

I decided to start this blog so that readers of my website ( can post their views and comments over here.

This BLOG is subject to the following disclaimer.

Public Notice: This BLOG contains information that is offered under private trust. The information is educational in nature and is not intended to diagnose any physical or mental condition, to replace the services of a physician, or to be a substitute for the advice and treatment of a licenced professional. You should consult a physician in all matters relating to your health, and particularly in respect of any symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention. The information is provided strictly “as is” and without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. Please study and learn about your right to informed consent. Downloading from this BLOG constitutes acceptance of private trust terms. All private trust rights reserved. By Grantor: Pritam Singh.

If you are a diabetic or someone who is currently experiencing ‘incurable’ diseases, then stay tuned to this BLOG.