Live Blogging Training

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The live blogging / blɔg / or welive blogging /ˈwɛb.lɔg/ (word cross from English web and log for logbook or diary) is a diary or journal usually kept on a website and therefore usually publicly accessible in which at least one person the live blogging , also known internationally as we live bloggingger, keeps records, records ("posts") facts or writes down thoughts. The act of writing on a live blogging is known as live blogging . The German National Library describes live bloggings as Internet publications and has also been awarding ISSNs to we have been live bloggings since autumn 2013.

A live blogging is usuallyv chronologically downwards, which breaks at certain intervals. The live blogging is the primary contributor to the content and often the posts are written from a first-person perspective. The live blogging is a medium for the presentation of aspects of one's own life and of opinions on specific topics, depending on professionalism up to the vicinity of an Internet newspaper with special emphasis on comments. Often it is also possible for readers to comment or discuss an article. This means that the medium can be used to store notes in a slip box, to make information, thoughts and experiences accessible, and to a lesser extent also for communication, similar to an Internet forum. In recent years, so-called “micro live blogging” platforms such as Twitter and Instagram have gained in importance at the expense of traditional web-based live bloggings.