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About us

Association of Nepalese in Quebec (ANQ) is a non-profit organization constituted by the Nepalese community and Nepalese cultural supporters residing in Quebec in 2001 to assist those of Nepalese origin people during their integration to Canadian  multicultural society, co-operate each other as needed and to participate actively in general community.

Our Objectives:

- Protect, preserve and promote Nepalese culture, art and language.

- Help new comers to smooth integration and understand Canadian multicultural society.

- Educate its fellow members to understand the multicultural and multilingual Canadian society.

- Build a cordial relationships with federal and provincial government as well as with local non-government and international organizations, whose objectives are similar to those of ANQ.

- Encourage and assist its members to establish small and medium size businesses.

- Launch suitable community programs to encourage Nepalese youths residing in Quebec and other provinces of Canada to participate in the socio-development activities.

- Provide volunteers for social services as and when needed.

- Organize workshops, meetings, social events to maintain and improve harmonic relations among the fellow members.

Latest News & Events

2024 S-AGM Concluded


ANQ 20th S-AGM (Special AGM) Concluded   The Association of Nepalese in Quebec (ANQ) convened
19th AGM Concluded


Jan 20, 2024 Association of Nepalese in Quebec (ANQ) successfully conducted its 19th Annual Ge
ANQ Deusi Bhailo 2080 Concluded


October 11-12, 2023 To mark up this years's Deusi -Bhailo program, ANQ executive members and ou
ANQ Dashain Celebration 2080


Montreal, October 21, 2023 More than 120 Nepali community members, families and Canadian well-w
Mini marathon 2023


ANQ successfully conducted Mini Marathon 2023 on 30th September 2023 at Jarry Park. It was a grand

मस्यौदा संविधानमा ?

गैरआवासीय नागरिकताबारे के छ नेपालको मस्यौदा संविधानमा ?

नेपालमा मस्यौदा संविधानमा धमाधम काम भै फाष्ट ट्रयाकबाट संविधान बनाउने प्रयास जारी छ। यो नयॉं संविधानले गैरआवासीय नेपालीहरूको लागी के कस्तो व्यवस्था गरेको छ र यसले एनआरएनको नारा "एक पल्टको नेपाली सधैंको नेपाली"लाई कसरी समेटेको होला। यो सबैको जिज्ञासाको विषय बनेको छ! यसै सन्दर्भमा विभिन्न क़ानूनविदहरूले मस्यौदामा व्यवस्था भएको गैरआवासीय नागरिकताकाबारे निम्न अनुसार संक्षेपमा व्याख्या गरेका छन्:

नेपालको नयाँ संविधानको धारा १९ मा व्यवस्था गरिए अनुसार एनआरएनहरुले अब गैरआवासीय नागरिकता पाउन सक्नेछन्। यो नेपालका लागि नयाँ प्रकारको नागरिकता हो। यसअघिका संविधानहरुमा वंशज, अंगीकृत र सम्मानार्थ नागरिकतामात्र हुने गर्थ्यो। 


नेपालको संविधान


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