Posted by: theislandmtl | January 8, 2009

Featured Poet: Miss Tee


I’ve always had a deep appreciation for the poetic arts, so when I first met MISS TEE, there was no doubt in my mind I was with someone special. Always sharing her deepest thoughts, and never shying from letting you know exactly how she felt, it was no surprise to me when i found out she was taking her poetry to the next level of hip hop music and singing. With a style that helps you reflect on the good, the bad and the ugly without worrying about an overdose of emotion, MISS TEE is definitely the girl to keep an ear out for in the present and future. She was also generous enough to give us an exclusive track for the post, and because of this, she’s loved even more. I Introduce to you, MISS TEE!

Also be sure to check out Miss Tee’s myspace page at

Let It Go – Underground Realroad

Exclusive Island Interview:

First Things First: Name, Age & Talent?
Natasha-Marie St.Martin A.K.A ‘MISS TEE’, 23, Singer/Songwriter/Rapper/Poet.
(Painter, hairdresser, model, actress)

From your own words, how would you describe your poetry/music style?

I guess I’d say it’s a sort of toss up between Lauryn Hill’s conscious vibe and wisdom, EVE’s edge, India Arie’s spirituality with a Nelly Furtado/Pink versatility!
I’m honest in my writing. I’m the kind of person who’d love to leave you with something to think about, so naturally, I do the same in my music and poetry in terms of content.
The actual sound of my music would vary considering I’m a lover of all types and I’ll probably dip my finger in the mix. But as long I’m rapping, Hip Hop could be expected.

What made you want to pursue a professional career with your poetry?

When I realized that a lot of what I had to say in my writing pertained to many others like myself. A lot of my friends in highschool used to like to borrow my agenda so they ‘d have something to read in class. most of them would jot down the ones they liked best. A few even asked me to write a couple just for them and it really took me a back. It helped me to see that a lot of people appreciate hearing/reading that they’re NOT the only ones that have been through certain experiences. I see that my readers  enjoy being able to read a piece that reminds them of something they’d been through or ARE going through at the time. Especially when it’s packedged in organized paragraphs and rhymes. One thing I’ve always admired about poetry, is how something grim like heartbreak or death can be turned into something so beautiful and full circle from beginning to end. And love poems paint gorgeous pictures in the mind. THAT’s why I will one day write a book; even if it’s only a book of poems.

How long have you been writing? And when did you decide to make the move from poetry to rapping?

I first began writing when I was around, seven. Back when I could barely spell, and had more to say than I had the vocabulary to describe with! I used to write short stories about fictional characters. During the Ice Storm in ’98, is when I suddenly almost overnight, starting writing poetry. Back when almost every girl in elementary had a favorite Backstreet Boy, lol, I was listening to sentimental R&B, including the Boys, and began to appreciate good writing. I guess becoming a young woman played a part in that as well. Not knowing what love REALLY was, but spoke of it with such conviction. Just wanting to be whisked away by a prince charming, had me crooning for imaginary lovers in my writing.

RAPPING- came in 2002. A few friends of mine were putting on a rap show for our high scool. One was a friend who remembered that I liked to sing. He dogged me until I gave in, to try and sing on his chorus. I remember, we re-did Bow Wow’s first track, back when he was ‘L’il’ lol. About a week before the show, he remembered that I wrote poetry. He tried to convince me that writing rhymes was extremely similar to writing poetry. I went home with the beat, wrote something, then spit it to him over the phone and he tripped!
I remember it like yesterday, for the performance, I sang the chorus from behind the curtains so people thought it was a voice over, then my verse came, and I spit it. Everyone was pleasantly confused according to the feedback!
But two years ago, is when I really decided that rapping was for me. I love music, I’ve always loved singing so it just made sense when I really read what I was spewing on paper. My writing became a lot more like, “What’s wrong with the world, am I going crazy?” It seemed I had more attitude, I was tired of ‘bull-ish’ and I wanted answers! It’s not bubble gum rap. It’s emotional, it’s spiritual and uplifting. When I really get into it, I feel like I’m slapping everyone in the face who ever doubted me- to me, THAT’s the best revenge I’ve EVER given, and it’s also the best therapy! I feel like I’m ME when I’m on stage- the ME I’ve always tried to become; like,
“World, allow me to introduce myself…”
(Thanks Larry!)

Who would you say are your biggest influences?

Wow. Maaaaan, well, my biggest influences who inspire me to be a better person, is my father and my boyfriend. To me, my father was a brilliant man that stood for so much. I’m sure anyone who had ever known him would’ve said the same. My boyfriend, my father and my music all have one thing in common, they keep me honest. My boyfriend’s definitely my better half. Other than them and the rest of my family, musically, I’d say Lauryn Hill, Kanye, T.I, Erykah Badu, Nas, Common, Def Poet, Beanie Sigel, Young Jeezy and Def Poet/rapper Black Ice and a few others that I can’t list off the top right now. All those artists share commun denominators: Honesty. They’re all not afraid to admit that their characters may be flawed at times. Most of them, like T.I, Kanye, Black Ice and Common, for example, show that their lives will always be a struggle as long as they have inner demons to fight. It’s the bittersweet aspect of being human, I think. There’s a lot of admiration to be had, for anyone, (not just artists), who can stand up and say,
“Yeah I’ve screwed up, but I’m trying…”

A lot of your content is very deep, personal even. Do all your ideas come from a personal experience, or are they just topics you want to address?

Mostly all my material comes from a personal experience. Which from my content in my last two tracks ARE very personal. I have no shame in showing who I am. When you talk about where you come from, it answers a lot of questions as to what makes you who you are today.
Whatever isn’t from experience, is spoken from an outsider’s view looking in on OTHER people’s experiences or what the influences are that co-exist along side our experiences as a whole. THOSE are often things I feel are important to discuss.
I look at the world everyday, and I see so much falling off. We as a people have grown insentive of the most inhumain things, and it’s sad to know that our children have to suffer from it. I believe that most of the problems in the world, come from problems in ourselves.
“Man created his own destruction”- The world is ‘US’. How do you change the world? Change yourself! It’s simple but hard as hell.
I try to shed light, share my wishes and hopes for what kind of world I wish this was. I believe it takes one to make a difference, but it takes EVERYONE to make a change.. I guess I’m just trying to make a difference in the best way I can. Hopefully, I’ll touch enough people to create a movement… nothing like a prophet, but I have big dreams, not just for myself, but for the world I live in. I may never see it clean, but I hate seeing it THIS dirty… so I talk about it.

As a female artist, sadly, you’ve got more to prove to a prodominitely male culture that is hip hop, have you ever felt the pressure of having to prove your place in your craft?
I have. Until I remind myself that I’m not proving myself to other artists. If another artist likes my craft enough to support and buy albums from me in the future, then great! But the listeners are who I’m trying to win over. I try very hard to remind myself of WHY I’m doing this. I could’ve shared my thoughts in a book, in a few hundred poems, written it on the side of some shoes or painted it on a canvas, either way, I have something to say. Whoever hears me, it’s for them to hear. I get what you’re saying though. It’s tougher in the hip hop world to rise up above most artists that are male, but at the same time, I have big plans for my music- I wouldn’t dare remain one dimensional. I want to show as many sides of myself in my music as possible, and I’m nowhere close to being one- dimensional. Hopefully that alone will help set me apart from other artists; male OR female. There will definitely be pieces of me in different music genres. If I tried to find a home in Hip Hop alone, I’d probably end up very disappointed. If I’m embraced though, I’d be flattered.

Now that you’re becoming a familiar face in Montreal and your music is starting to generate a fan base, what types of pros & cons have you had because of it?

So far, I haven’t had any cons. I haven’t made enough noise yet to really generate a gossip circle, or at least if there is one, it hasn’t come back to me yet. I’m sure some people will have something to say about my flow, or my voice, just as anyone would about any other artist, but nothing has come up that really made me regret becoming a musician, if that’s what you mean by ‘cons’. Pros have been people commenting on my lyrical content, my honesty, my singing voice.. a few collabos were BECAUSE of the pros so I’m grateful, that’s for sure. Besides, no matter how many cons MAY come up, I’ll never let them outweigh the pros. (This is MY dream to be had!) 😀

You’re part of a group named “Be Who U-R”, what can you tell us about the group, and what to expect from it?

‘Be Who U-R’ isn’t a group. It’s the subtitle/theme of Big Bricc’s anticipated album. “Underground RealRoad” is the group name of Bricc and Drexl together. Drexl is the sound engineer who makes the beats, mixes, masters and produces the album. Bricc is the voice and the graphic artist. Or like I like to say, Drex is the tracks, Bricc is the train, together they build the steam that keeps them rollin! Bricc approached me to get on a few tracks for the album. The photos I put up are just shots we took of everyone who is featured on the album. One guitarist, Mr. Bits (A rapper), and myself bringing both rapping and singing or course, so be ready to hear that.
As for the music, Underground RealRoad is for those who appreciate good beats, entertainment and meaningful content. It promotes being yourself, knowing your purpose, forgetting the ‘haters’ and doing YOU- It’s a treat for the ears trust me!  “A bit of underground with a hot twist”- Big Bricc

Well you see, i was a bit confused but now i know! And if anyone else was confused, here’s the clarification. Is your solo career your main focus these days, or is the group the main priority?

Well, solo right now, is what I’m going for. I definitely don’t shy away from collaborations as you can see with Underground RealRoad, but very few artists, (especially female), talk about what I do. Hense why Bricc approached me. He saw that we were both on the same page in terms of beliefs, lyrical content and craft. That’s usually what makes for a good duo on a track. Chemistry is essential.
ANYTIME Bricc wants to do something, I’d be down just because we mesh well together musically, and outside the booth. That goes for any artist I feel I’d make great music with. But who knows what the future holds, maybe if I came across another female and/or male artist that I really see myself sharing the light with on a long term basis, I’d get excited- For now, far as I’m concerned, MISS TEE is a one-man show, so to speak. I like my ‘open-music-relationships’ 😀

What can fans expect from you in the near future?

Well- same that I would expect from my OWN future- lots of inspiration, lots of great beats, deep meatphors, rediculous amounts of ‘swagger’ and club hits too!
Radio-air play, hopefully a professional music video(s), more collabos and tons of POSITIVE noise!  Oh- and a lil something that will help a good cause 😉

What inspiring words do you have for new artist trying to get their foot in the door?

Damn, “It’s a flashing green light if you want it badly- MISS TEE”
For real. Anything you want, YOU are the only one who could get in the way of not having it. No one on this earth has the power to prevent you from fulfilling your dreams. People or certain situations may make it difficult, but consider them challenges. Look at it as the world or universe asking you,
“Is THIS what you really want?” People who allow fear to get in the way of their dreams will always let minor set-backs stop them from reaching. DON’T ! If you don’t know where to start, find people who are already doing what you’d like to be doing and ask how THEY did it, and follow those positive steps. Be confidant, protect your dream(s) like it were your treasure, care for it like it were your child, and remind OTHERS to KEEP DREAMING like I’m reminding YOU!  We are BEYOND this world, therefor you can be, do and have ANYTHING you want!

MISS TEE xox ❤

‘Maktub’: “It Is Written”

Posted by: theislandmtl | December 19, 2008

Featured Cook: Stephanie Pepen


If her looks weren’t enough to keep you around, her cooking will surely have you begging for more! Stephanie is your average female, loves to shop, be with friends, but most of all, loves to cook for the sake of cooking. Her culinary skills are so strong that in less then a month she’ll be travelling to New York, working in the field adding to her resume. Show Steph a lot of love, and wish her the best before she goes!!! I have a feeling this is the beginning of a major transition in her life that that won’t fade any time soon.

Q&A With Stephanie:

1. First things first: Name, Age & Talent?
Stephanie Pepen
Age: 20
Talent: Cooking

2. So you cook, what would you say is your specialty?
My specialty, wow! When it comes to cooking I love everything about it, but if i would have to choose my specialty it would probably be pastries!

3. How long have you considered making this talent a career?
Throughout my childhood, youth, and teenage years i’ve always loved food and cooking food. Cooking isnt just fun to me, its a passion that will never die. Studying in Professional cooking, I think was the smartest choice id ever made.

4. Was this what you always felt was right for you, or did you have other career plans prior to this one?
At first i never thought that i’d end up becoming a chef. In CEGEP I was really into the whole interior design career but later on realised that becoming an interior designer wasnt really what i wanted to do. It took me awhile to figure out my true passion and after going through the pros and cons of careers choices, professional cooking was the most amazing choice out of all of them.

5. How come you left the Interior design world? And was it an easy choice for you to make?
I left the Interior Design world, because it just wasnt for me. I loved the decorating aspect of it, but when it came down to the architectural part, I HATED it lol! Leaving the program was a super easy choice to make and I don’t regret it to this day!

6. When you decided to make the change, did you get full support from your family, or was there some doubt about the decision?
My mom was pretty disappointed with my decision to leave the interior design program, but at the same time she also understood that in the end I had to do something I loved to do. It wasnt true that I was going to wake up everyday of my life, unhappy with the career path i’d chosen. When starting the Professional Cooking program, my mom realised where my true passion lied and was very pleased that i’d finally found my career choice.

7. Are you the type of person who cooks all the time, or do you only cook when necessary?
Cooking calms me. It takes time and patience to cook or to even bake pastries. But honestly its fun for me and I can’t say i’ve ever had a dull moment cooking in a kitchen, except when it comes to washing the dishes lol!

8. Since you like to cook, who do you often cook for?
I usually cook for my family and friends. My friends and family are very open to trying new things and im very thankful for that!

9. Are you talented enough in cooking where you can come up with new recipe ideas? and if so, how do they come to you?
When it comes to cooking, anything is possible! All you need to know is what goes with what. Coming up with new recipes is hard, but it all has to do with trial and error. Thats the only way you can come up with something new. I havent created any recipes yet, but i love trying new things and elaborating on the original recipe.

10. What does your future have instore for you, as far as cooking is concerned?
To tell you the truth, I have no idea, but everyone in this industry always wishes to make it to the top! But really when people fail its when they think of money of the true meaning of cooking. And people shouldnt get sidetracked over how much they’ll make but continue doing what they were set out to do and that’s cook!

11. So you’re going to New York! What would you do if you were offered a full time cooking job while you were there learning? Would you actually stay and take residence there or would that be too much at once for your young career?
To be honest, it would be an amazing experience to live and work in New York, but I think that it’s too soon, because I still have a great deal to learn. Of course living in New York is super expensive, but I think id rather work somewhere in europe, such as italy!

Well I wish you all the luck, and hope everything goes better then expected for your culinary future! thanks for sharing your point of view with us, and keep us posted

Posted by: theislandmtl | December 19, 2008

Feartured Magician: David Lion


If Black Magik is evil, David definitely missed the memo!!!
Shocking minds and revolutionizing magic one trick at a time, David Lion is our featured magician who has shown many people, the imagination is meant to be a reality. Whether it’s making things move without touching them or creating tattoos on his body (without an ink pen), Lion has taken a grand status with his talent and hasn’t looked back since he discovered it. If you don’t believe in Magik, i promise you, one showing with Lion will change your mind forever. It’s my pleasure to introduce to you… Lionism!!!

Below is a link to a video of Lion performing one of his tricks for a crowd:

Q&A With Lion

1. First things first: Name, Age & Talent? Also, length at which you’ve been associated with your talent?

David Lion, 22, and simply put, my talent is Magyk. I’ve been a performer for about 2yrs n change now

2. Many people already know what you’re all about, but for those that don’t, how could you describe your magic?
My magic is emphasised by its presentation rather than through sheer tricks and illusions. Lionism is the world of my imagination as expressed through my art. Tricks are entertaining, Lionism is an experience. What really seperates my magic from others is the diverse use of styles used such as illusions, hypnotism, helltromism, kinesis, mentalism…etc.

3. What made you want to pursue a career in magic?
I didn’t want to, I felt like I was meant to. All my life I’ve been someone to pick up a talent, get good at it, and then drop it. Supposedly thats a Libra thing although I don’t believe in astrology readings…But when I found magic, that was it. And it wasn’t the secrets that intrigued me, it was the people. My first love in life was always people, and I always used to wish that I could get to know all kinds of new and different people everyday. Magic was my answer. Even if its just for a moment, magic can make you forget about negativites and stress and just bring you back to that child-like state of wonder and fascination which most of us have lost touch of, it even breaks the language barriers but most importantly, it opens up your mind! What I didn’t expect was for magic to change my whole outlook on life. Now, impossible is nothing more than a state of mind with only my dreams to call reality. Believe it or not I was once depressed and suicidal, now I don’t just preach optimism, I live it. So how did I choose this as a career? I didn’t have to. Magic chose me, I am magic. This is my life

4. Biggest influences and why?
My mom, she’s the one that told me to turn on the TV that day and watch this “new” magician named David Blaine. She ALWAYS believed in and supported me. I remember when I told her that I’m dropping school for good to become famous she didn’t even hesitate to encourage my dreams. God bless her. Aside from her, my 2 strongest magical influences came from David Blaine and then later, Derren Brown. David Blaine ignited the spark in me to perform and Derren Brown is just on a level of his own, the absolute best in my opinion.

5. When you’re doing your magic, what are the routines you go through in order to prepare yourself?
Good question…I don’t usually prepare at all actually lol I’m bad like that. I’ve never rehearsed for a show before and I usually put together my routines the night before, sometimes even a few hours before. The reason I do that though is because I won’t perform something that I’m not feeling, cuz if I don’t feel it, neither will you. So I just do what I feel lol I do a lot of mental preparation though, especially for shows. Before a show I always get on my Green Magyk because it sparks up my imagination and helps to inspire my performance ideas, also gets rid of any nerves I may have. Also, I like to drink some green tea about a half-hour before I perform cuz while I’m sipping on it I’m getting myself into a focused and zen state of mind.

6. Do you take this same approach when you’re teaching yourself something new?
When I’m teaching myself something new the process is usually the same. I blaze to inspire thought, visualise what I wanna do, visualise myself doing it, write down any ideas that come to me, and then recreate my imagination as best as I can.

7. Do you have a designated person who you practice all new magic tricks with? Or is it more of a, “when it comes to mind it has to be done right away”?
Thats a smart question actually, first time I’ve been asked. But ya, I practice my magic with my close friend Evan. If not with him than with nobody. The only reason I practice with thim though is cuz when I was first getting into magic I was teaching him what I was learning along the way with the hopes of helping him with his social life since he’s kinda shy. In the end, he found that performing wasn’t for him though so now he’s just my consultant/camera man.

8. On the topic of magic tricks, what was the very first thing you learned to do? and how did it make you feel when you actually accomplished it?
The first thing I learned how to do was actually in gr.10. I learned how to place a card into the middle of the deck and then instantly have it appear on the top of the deck. There was this guy a grade below me who was doing magic around the school and I decided to give it a shot and ask him how he did one of his tricks…and he told me, simple as that! lol Thinking back on it now, I can understand why he showed me. When most people discover how simple a method to a trick is they no longer care about it because they were expecting something SOOO much bigger, but when I saw the simplicity behind the magic I was even more intrigued. Intrigued at how something so magical, so fascinating, was oh so simple. Not easy, but simple.

9. How did your family react when you revealed your magic to them?
Now that you mention it, I don’t remember ever “revealing” my magic to them. I think because when I was first learning magic it didn’t hold the same meaning it does for me today and so whatever I learned and performed for my family was just for fun. I remember the first time I made something levitate for my mom though LOL she said something like “you never cease to amaze me”.

10. Are you the only person in your family who has such a strong connection with magic, or are there others as well?
As far as I know, I’m the only one.

11. Now many people have their doubts when it comes to magic, have you ever been labelled as a fraud?
I’ve been labeled as everything from a devil worshipper, to fraud, to an alien lol Way I see it, if I’m on your mind then my job is done. Whether you hate to love me or love to hate me the fact remains that I have your attention. A wise man once said “For those who believe, no explanation is necessary. For those who do not, none will suffice”

12. How do you approach those types of situations? Do you feel offended, or do you just shrug it off?
Offended? Nah man, like Katt Williams said, if you got 15 haters right now than you need to figure out how to get to 25 by the summer. “Love me or hate me, I swear it won’t make me or break me” – Weezy

13. Before we bring this to a close, what inspiring words do you have for anyone interested in magic?
Dreams are locks, ambition is key. Magic isn’t for everyone, but if you have a passion, a vivid imagination and a desire to succeed then there ain’t nothin to it but to do it.

I want to thank you for sharing your point of view with us, good luck in the future and keep us posted!
To face reality is to open your eyes, to create reality is to open your mind.

Posted by: theislandmtl | December 18, 2008

Featured Artist: Swift K.I.D.


Swift K.I.D. is an  Hip-Hop artist of immense talent and potential. Hailing from Cartierville, he’s more then just a rapper, showing his Diversity with his hit single “My Nerd”, Swift showed he has a wider range in music then just a hard beat and rhymes. Also with a consistant flow of videos via KIDtv. Swift has shown his fans that beyond the stardom he has, he’s still a regular man who has more in common with you then you may think. It’s my pleasure to introduce him to you if you haven’t heard of him, and update you on his work if you have! This Is Swift K.I.D.

Q&A with Swift K.I.D.

1. First Things First: Name, Age & Talent?

The name’s Keon Alleyne, and go by the alias of Swift KID… not kid… K.I.D (which stands for King In Disguise). I’m currently 22 years old, as for talents, I make HITS, weather it be Hip-Hop or RnB, write it and sing it. I also run this thing called “KIDtv”, and do a little acting.

2. How long have you been rapping? And so far, is it everything you’ve expected it to be?

I’ve been rapping since i was 12, and it actually is exactly what I expected it to be. As a Hip-Hop artist out of Canada, its hard to get exposure… even harder coming out a french controlled province. But I do this for the love of the music, weather I blow up or not, I’m happy.

3. When you began to rap, what or who was your biggest encouragement to pursue it professionally?

3 cousins in NY.

4. As well as encouragement, who’s your biggest musical influence and why?

More than one, but mainly, I’d say The LOX, the reason I started rapping… metaphors and word play all day.

5. When you’re performing for an audience, what are some of the things you must do before, during and after a set?

Pray, even when it looks like I’m not, I’m talking to God in my head. Also try not to think whats out there, weather it be a big or small crowd.

6. Do you take this same approach when simply recording a track?

Nope, before I record any track, I’ve practiced singing it ahead of time so it comes natural in the booth.

7. So I’ve taken notice that you’ve become an “Internet artist” in the sense that, most of your work is presented through your online group. What advantages or disadvantages would you say there are to keeping everything internet based? If any are present.

I wouldn’t call it an advantage, its a MUST, internet is a heavy part of people’s lives, its the best way to introduce yourself and to let people see your whole process, like a reality show.So YOU GOTTA DO IT.
I really don’t see any disadvantages as long as you know what the internet is, know whats hot, whats not, know how to market yourself and know who your marketing to… its all good.

8. Do you feel through the internet you have a more personal connection with your fans?

Yup, with Myspace, Facebook and many other sites, all my fans get to hit me up and I talk to as much possible.
KIDtv is almost my reality show as well, people get to see the real me constantly and not just get thrown music at them only.

9. What are some of the craziest things you’ve ever read from fans or even the so called “Haters” as we’ve titled them these days?

I’ve got nothing but love from the fans, the haters all hide and talk in the background. Craziest thing i heard was that i hacked YouTube to get so many plays Haha. I wish i knew how to hack it, I wouldn’t limit myself to 30,000 views, I’d go for 300 000. I got devoted fans who do what they can to support. So haters… If you want to see my numbers, just ask a little more from your fans.

10. Ok, back to your music, what is the next project in construction as we speak? And can you give your fans a hint of what to expect for the near future?

I’m working on 2 things, the mixtape “Kid Of Kings” (which will be FREE) and the album “King In Disguise”. All people got to do is watch KIDtv, watch my blogs, and they’ll forever be updated on my work. I have a new song out called “Qualified” (“”), not 100% on whats to come from that track, but all I can say is… you can’t avoid Swift KID in 2009.

11. Of the other Montreal artist around, who will you be working with?

I can name a bunch of producers… but artists? all i can say is Voyce*, DPC, and Milli Millz. A lot of artists are either big headed, or like to stick to their own circle. Those who know me, know I don’t bite, I’m far from cocky with my music, and most of the time open to collab if I’m feelin’ the style. I’ve got nothing against anyone, but I sort of make these tracks for me alone now, features will happen when they want it.

12. Will your music feature a more RnB sound like “My Nerd” has or will you be going back to a more underground hard hitting sound?

I hear music and melodies any and everywhere, I don’t think I can call myself just a rapper anymore. You’ll be hearing rap, rnb, electro, alternative, etc. Whatever I think is good, I’ll put it out. I think my fans are familiar with my switching it up, its no biggie.

13. Final question, For anyone inspisring to get into this profession, what encouragement do you have from one upcoming artist to another?

Read “Thank You And You’re Welcome” from Kanye West & J. Sakiya… that’s all the encouragement you need.

Posted by: theislandmtl | December 17, 2008

Welcome & Thank You




I would like to welcome you to The Island! Here you’ll find Montreal’s local talent and be able to follow them from now til later as they grow in their respective careers. I would also like to thank you for visiting the site and feel free to comment as artist are added to the site. if you know of any artist uyou feel deserve a spot on the site, don’t be shy to email me on the matter. Enjoy =)
