A Different Way of Being Church


Lonely? Hungry? Looking for a multigenerational place to explore faith? We might be the place you are looking for.


When we gather we start by grabbing a warm drink, playing a board game, doing a craft or just catching up on the week. Our hope is to create space for belonging. We then interweave prayers and discussion with a meal. You can sit as a family if you come with one or mix in with the others gathered. Often we sing a couple of songs, listen to a couple of Bible readings, and hear a short reflection on it. Then we share our reflections on what we’ve heard around the table over desert. You can choose to speak up, or just listen. Kids and adults share together. Our hope is that we may encounter Jesus in our midst and that we would leave having been seen and heard and inspired to live a little more faithfully. We meet Saturdays 4-7pm.